Banca de DEFESA: Aline Alves de Almeida

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Aline Alves de Almeida
DATE: 27/05/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala de Atos - FE-01

Indigenous Protagonism in the Implementation of Law No. 11,645/2008: some experiences in the Federal District, Brazil


Law No. 11.645/2008; teaching of indigenous histories and cultures; intercultural education

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This work presents reflections on the teaching of indigenous histories and cultures in the basic education of the Federal District, highlighting experiences of intercultural dialogue in public schools from different locations in the DF, led by indigenous educators such as Kamuu Dan Wapichana, the Walê Fulni-ô cultural group, and through pedagogical mediation conducted by Professor Karine at the Indigenous Peoples Memorial. The aim of this study was to understand the potential of indigenous narratives and pedagogical mediation at the Memorial as a decolonial tool in teaching indigenous histories and cultures. Additionally, it sought to analyze how the teaching staff who participated in these experiences incorporate dialogue with indigenous peoples and visits to the memorial into their pedagogical practices, as well as to explore the presence of interculturality in classroom educational processes and the challenges faced in this approach. The propositional dimension consists of developing a course on indigenous cultures and histories for public school teachers in the DF. This work was carried out based on an ethnographic perspective in education and sought to establish a relationship with the theoretical frameworks of decoloniality and critical intercultural education. The results indicate that the presence of indigenous peoples in schools not only meets the demand of Opinion CNE/CEB No. 14/2015 but also presents an opportunity for the effective implementation of Law No. 11.645/2008, as they are capable of promoting indigenous presence in contemporaneity. Intercultural experiences not only provide knowledge about the various ways of being, thinking, and acting of indigenous peoples but also foster understanding of their cultures as dynamic and constantly evolving, emphasizing the right of indigenous peoples to change without losing their identity, thus challenging prejudices and stereotypes rooted in colonial history. However, the results also point to gaps in the initial and ongoing training of teachers, and the lack of adequate teaching materials for addressing the subject is also considered an obstacle, highlighting that for critical intercultural education to take place in schools, it is necessary to combine intra and inter-institutional efforts for the qualification and effective implementation of Law No. 11.645/2008.

Externo ao Programa - 2236695 - ALESSANDRO ROBERTO DE OLIVEIRA - nullExterna ao Programa - 1466200 - ANA TEREZA REIS DA SILVA - nullPresidente - 2662431 - EDUARDO DI DEUS
Externa à Instituição - Nubia Batista da Silva - FUNAI
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/04/2024 15:28
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