Banca de DEFESA: Luiz Guilherme Schiefler de Arruda

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Luiz Guilherme Schiefler de Arruda
DATE: 27/06/2023
TIME: 09:00

Proposal of a Control Prioritization Method for Zero Trust Architecture Implementation Using Multicriteria Method


Zero Trust, Multicriteria Method, Systematic Literature Review, Cybersecurity

BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica

The evolution of computer networks has made them increasingly complex and expanded their attack surface, rendering traditional perimeter protection less secure. In this context, a new trust model called Zero Trust (ZT) emerged. This concept, encompassing various controls for its implementation, makes risk management a challenging task, as managers face the challenge of prioritizing these controls. ISO 31000 describes how the multicriteria decision-making methodology can assist decision-makers in problem modeling and action prioritization. The multicriteria concept is based on two schools of thought: the American approach, which focuses on precise calculations to prioritize controls, and the European approach, which views decision-making as a human activity. MCDA-C, originating from the European school, has the capability to incorporate multiple levels within an organization to facilitate knowledge construction and decisionmaking for decision-makers. This study proposes the utilization of controls described in the CISA's Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) Maturity Model in conjunction with MCDA-C. This approach provides clarity in visualizing the ideal performance from decision-makers' perspectives and facilitates prioritization for ZTA control implementation. Finally, considering the proposed controls, this study demonstrates the capability of MCDA-C in aiding the understanding of the problem within the organization and constructing knowledge through the analysis of collected data. Consequently, it becomes possible to present decision-makers with the controls that should be prioritized at the outset of a ZTA implementation.

Interno - 1561682 - CLOVIS NEUMANN
Externo à Instituição - DINO MACEDO AMARAL - BB
Presidente - 2363646 - RAFAEL RABELO NUNES
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/06/2023 16:49
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