Banca de DEFESA: Roberto Tanabe

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Roberto Tanabe
DATE: 14/12/2022
TIME: 09:30

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BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) has been defined in the literature in several different ways. There is no consensus on the subject, given the variety of information types, uses, methods, and techniques involved. To the Intelligence community, it is primarily recognized as a collection discipline with a focus on opensources. For OSINT practitioners, there is a strong association of the term with tools. The scientific community, in turn, tries to bring the OSINT concept closer to specialized techniques and methods, not only in the collection landscape, but also in analysis. Considering these aspects, the aim of this dissertation is to bring the practice of OSINT closer to specific methods supported by specialized values, principles and techniques. The concept of OSINT, in this sense is more oriented towards a workflow that describes how user-defined requirements are met to assist a decision-making process. Thus, OSINT as a method is guided by a set of principles that drives a pattern of behavior based on ethics and a methodology that aims to achieve professional performance. This behavior is underpinned by values that are moral standards for the benefit of society. With these assumptions in mind, this work places OSINT in the intelligence cycle and presents the principles that support it as a discipline, expands the scope of what the reference literature presents as OSINT tools, and provides argumentation for giving the collection function the same attention given to analysis. The results show that: the principles found in the reference literature are not sufficient and need other guideposts such as burnout prevention, flexibility and readiness; contrary to what is usually associated, collection disciplines are also processing and analysis disciplines, and OSINT should not be the first collection source, but rather the internal archive of each organization; the problem of tool sustainability can be minimized with objective criteria of security, reliability and legality; the importance of Intelligence collectors must be recognized just as it is done with analysts; and that the proposed method organizes OSINT execution within an Intelligence cycle that considers multiple sources.

Externo à Instituição - RAFAEL LEANDRO ALVES NEVES
Interno - 2363646 - RAFAEL RABELO NUNES
Presidente - 788.550.391-72 - ROBSON DE OLIVEIRA ALBUQUERQUE - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/11/2022 15:47
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