Banca de DEFESA: Marcus Aurélio Carvalho Georg

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Marcus Aurélio Carvalho Georg
DATE: 29/06/2023
TIME: 09:00

Proposed Cyber Risk Appetite Measurement Model: Using the AHP Method and the Basic Cybersecurity Framework.


Risk Appetite; Cybersecurity; Risk Management; Multi-Criteria Decision Methods; AHP; Cybersecurity Framework

PAGES: 208
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica

Making choices regarding the challenges that the cyber world has presented has been one of the most arduous tasks for managers, whether in the private or public sector. The losses related to legal noncompliance, discontinuity of services provided, loss of strategic information challenges related to the cyber supply chain, and costs related to controls focused on risk minimization, among others, have brought about the need, by managers, for more appropriate choices, with criteria and alternatives that speak more to the contexts in which they find themselves. This study aims to measure the cyber risk appetite proposed by top management, in a first moment, as well as to point out a strategy to reach this goal through the implementation of a series of controls that represent decisions based on the weights of criteria and alternatives defended by their managers. The model was applied to the reality of a Brazilian public agency, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), where it is possible to observe the risk appetite through the choice of controls that are understood to be desired, as well as the identification of those that are not yet being implemented. The research demonstrated that it is possible to quantitatively measure an organization's risk appetite and that the appropriate choice of criteria, alternatives, and controls can make the proposed model a very promising decision support tool, allowing for an alignment between top management and the operational area of a company.

Externo à Instituição - JOAO SOUZA NETO - UCB
Presidente - 2363646 - RAFAEL RABELO NUNES
Interno - 788.550.391-72 - ROBSON DE OLIVEIRA ALBUQUERQUE - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/06/2023 15:50
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