Banca de DEFESA: Ricardo Ramos Sampaio

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ricardo Ramos Sampaio
DATE: 30/06/2023
TIME: 08:40

The Possibility of Performing Surveillance by Geolocation in Real time by the Brazilian Intelligence Agency


Geolocation. Privacy. Intelligence. Data Protection

PAGES: 106
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica

Technological advances have produced a process of change in the operational techniques used by intelligence services around the world. Obtaining information through photographs, communications, signals, images, waves, radiation and electromagnetic signatures developed rapidly and became a routine practice for intelligence services. The collection of information from open sources itself, together with the ability to analyze big data, has reached a unique stage. Old operational techniques have been converted into means of search and collection using technological mechanisms, giving an unprecedented range and breadth of data. Geolocation or determination in real time of an individual’s location, the electronic correspondent of surveillance, has been used, without further questioning, in several countries. This finding drives the development of this research, which once again verifies whether real-time geolocation can be used by ABIN, without this infringing national legislation and the privacy of individuals. It is in this context that it is essential to scrutinize the characteristics of intelligence services and the evolution of the right to privacy and data protection, also drawing a comparison between the instrumentality of data collection by the State with technology companies. Another important point to reach robust conclusions on the subject is to verify if the legislation, the chain and competence of authorization to act and the control mechanisms of the foreign intelligence services approach or distance themselves from the Brazilian one. Finally, an indepth examination of judicial decisions of the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice regarding privacy, data sharing, balancing of interests and static geolocation aims to reinforce the reasoning regarding the possibility of using geolocation in real time.

Interna - 1780217 - EDNA DIAS CANEDO
Interno - 788.550.391-72 - ROBSON DE OLIVEIRA ALBUQUERQUE - UnB
Presidente - 1771918 - UGO SILVA DIAS
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/06/2023 16:31
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