Banca de DEFESA: Vinícius de Oliveira Mota

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Vinícius de Oliveira Mota
DATE: 13/06/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Microsoft Teams

Trans adolescents from the public school system in the Federal District-Brazil: Narratives of diversity, acceptance, and exclusion.



Youth narratives, trans adolescents, school, diversity, exclusion

AREA: Multidisciplinar

The research addresses the narratives of adolescents who self-identify as trans in public schools in the Federal District (DF), Brazil, discussing the diversity of their experiences, as well as the acceptance and exclusions in the school environment and other spaces they inhabit. The aim of the research was to gather youth narratives on how the school reality experienced by trans adolescent students in the public network of the DF interferes with their meanings about school and themselves, considering the guarantee of adolescent rights. To do this, we start from socio-cultural perspectives of human development and adolescence; school regulations linked to gender issues, contextualized in the current Brazilian socio-political situation; and critical studies that address the subjective experience of transgender identity in adolescence. We found that there remains a gap in studies conducted with trans children and adolescents regarding their academic life, following a genuinely participatory and non-adult-centric design, and offering a safe context for these individuals to express themselves meaningfully. The research followed qualitative paths to investigate the narratives of the participants about their school experiences, in a participatory methodological framework. A focus group was conducted with trans adolescents studying in the public network of the DF, where all stages were co-constructed between the researcher and the research participants, in order to stimulate the protagonism and active participation of the adolescents and the meaningful expression of youth narratives about their school experiences. The research found that there is no official mapping of educational institutions in the public network of the DF that have trans students in their student body and that there are no systematized data in the School Census of the Ministry of Education on how many students use their social name in Brazilian schools. It also found that trans adolescents construct diverse meanings about themselves, which are strongly culturally channeled by the relationships they establish with their family, their community, and their schools. Participants perceive themselves as intelligent, successful, critical, and as individuals who suffer neglect in schools. They feel pressured to achieve higher grades than cisgender students and to conform their gender expression to cis-heteronormative standards. They narrated being targets of hypersexualization and fetishization for being trans people and highlighted that this manifests more intensely in the romantic relationships of trans women with cisgender men, where they face both misogyny and transphobia. The group constructed several suggestions that can help the school environment become more inclusive and welcoming for trans students, directed to the entire school community, including: the use of the student's preferred chosen name and bathroom; quality pedagogical relationships; school activities that provide visibility for trans people; combating transphobia in everyday school life; and ongoing teacher training. These suggestions can support inclusive, diverse educational practices that promote the development of all students in Brazil.

Externa à Instituição - JAQUELINE GOMES DE JESUS - IFRJ
Interna - ***.869.671-** - NATALIA DE SOUZA DUARTE - UnB
Presidente - 3577087 - TATIANA YOKOY DE SOUZA
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/05/2024 19:47
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