Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Isabelle Guirelli Simões de Oliveira

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Isabelle Guirelli Simões de Oliveira
DATE: 20/03/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Ambiente Virtual (Teams)

Participation and engagement of girls in basketball classes


 Participation; Basketball; Girls; Teaching model; Physical Education.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

The starting question of this research project arises in a contemporary and challenging
pedagogical context, where girls are intentionally excluded from Physical Education
classes and sports are taught using methodologies that do not provide equal
participation between boys and girls. In this scenario, it is interesting to know how a
sports teaching model based on game-centered approaches can contribute to the
participation and engagement of girls in basketball classes. Therefore, the general
objective of this research project is to understand the participation and engagement of
girls in basketball classes, when a Didactic Unit of Pedagogical Intervention - DUPI -
based on game-centered approaches is applied. The specific objectives are: to
analyze the production on the theme of Sport and Gender, considering them as a
sociocultural phenomenon and a curricular component of Physical Education in the
Final Years of Elementary School; analyze girls' participation comparatively between
conventional classes and based on game-centered approaches; describe the girls'
perceptions about participation in the basketball DUPI; identify methodological actions
that improve the participation and engagement of girls in Physical Education classes

with the basketball theme to propose strategies in the context of the Department of
Education of the DF based on the results of the research. To answer the question, the
proposed research is of the pedagogical type (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2008), with a
collaborative approach (DESGAGNÉ, 2007) between the researcher and the teacher,
and with methodological characteristics of a qualitative case study (ANDRÉ, 2013).
The research universe will be the Taguatinga Basketball Sports Initiation Center
program, and the participants will be girls, aged between 11 and 14, from the class on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. The instruments for data
collection will be interviews and a focus group with the girls, and video recordings of
classes before and during the application of the DUPI. The DUPI is a pedagogical
practice protocol, whose combined objectives are the sports initiation of children and
adolescents, and the continuing education of the Physical Education teacher. The
application of the DUPI will consist of sequential steps, initiated by inviting the teacher
and the school, approaching the location and identifying the pedagogical work carried
out by the teacher. Then, initial training will be carried out with the teacher for
application in the basketball class of the six DUPI classes, and mentoring. The coding
of data collected in interviews and focus groups, and the formulation of analysis
categories, will be based on Grounded Theory, according to Charmax (2009), and for
the videos, the unit of analysis resource suggested by Rose (2013) will be used.

Interno - 1807734 - JONATAS MAIA DA COSTA
Externa à Instituição - MARIANA ZUANETI MARTINS - UFES
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/03/2023 11:13
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