Banca de DEFESA: Ediane Guimarães Costa

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ediane Guimarães Costa
DATE: 10/05/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: FEF – UnB e Microsoft Teams



School physical education. Soccer. Critical-surpassing pedagogy.

PAGES: 158
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

The object of the present research is the teaching of soccer in school Physical Education based on a critical-superior pedagogy. Soccer, as a classic of body culture, should be taught from a perspective that goes beyond the reproduction of knowledge and overcomes the traditional approach to teaching. Thus, the present study aimed to experiment with a pedagogical proposal, for the final years of elementary school, approaching the soccer content according to a critical-superior pedagogy, and to identify the educational processes generated from the application of the proposal. The methodology was divided into three stages, all of them with 9th grade students and the Physical Education teacher as participants. In the first stage, we observed the Physical Education classes and recorded it in a field diary; in the second stage, we intervened with the regular teacher in order to improve the observed practices and to elaborate a proposal of soccer classes according to the critical-superior pedagogy; in the third stage, with research-action outlines, we applied the constructed proposal and reflected with the students about what was experienced, in order to understand the students' apprehension and the generated educational processes. The results showed that the proposal brought knowledge to all involved and generated new knowledge in the students. The work made the students not only able to reflect on the content presented, soccer, but also to think beyond it, making relationships with different themes present in reality. We can infer that pedagogical practices with intentionality and educational commitment generate motivation in the students for the teaching-learning process. Moreover, the pedagogical proposal based on the critical-superior pedagogy provides spaces of greater participation and protagonism for the students, encouraging them to reflect on the content and extrapolate the understanding beyond it. Promoting a school Physical Education with more equity, less individualization of the subjects, change of an uncritical teaching process, with free manifestation of thoughts, which contemplates the existing diversity, is not an easy process to promote in practice. The reinvention in the way body culture contents is approached at school is an emergency. And, even though it is a slow process, it is necessary to do it, after all, what is at stake is the students' learning, who, at the end of basic education, will have a more critical understanding of all the information that surrounds them and will make better decisions, which affect their individuality and also the collective, having repercussions on the directions of society. We concluded, therefore, that the experience allowed them to experience the activities and become participants in the process, debating about what had been learned and discussed in the meetings. We noticed student involvement, knowledge exchange, co-participation, learning, and inclusion.

Externo à Instituição - SÁVIO ASSIS DE OLIVEIRA
Interna - 1785394 - JACIARA OLIVEIRA LEITE
Presidente - 1807734 - JONATAS MAIA DA COSTA
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/04/2023 11:20
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