Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Gustavo Garcia de Moraes

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gustavo Garcia de Moraes
DATE: 25/09/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Ambiente Virtual

Teaching the Technical Dimension in Team Sports from the Perspective of Emerging Approaches.


Invasion Sports. Teaching Methodology. Emerging Approaches. Sports Pedagogy. Technique. Technicism.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

The physical education literature states that technical has been traditionally approached in team sports from a mechanistic perspective. In this perspective, the teaching of sports is fragmented based on their technical considered excellent and divided into pedagogical sequences, becoming simultaneously both the means and the end of sports practice. This perspective became known as traditional teaching methods or technicist approaches. In opposition, two lines of thought emerge known as the Critical Renewal Movement of School Physical Education and the Pedagogy of Sport, which share a criticism of the mechanistic approach to human movement; however, they offer distinct orientations regarding the teaching of sports in schools. According to the Pedagogy of Sport, the context of team sports is unpredictable; therefore, it requires intelligent players. Teaching the "how" (technical) disconnected from the "why" (tactical) of doing is considered inaccurate. Therefore, in team sports, there wouldn't be any technical action that is not employed in solving game-related issues. In this scenario, another dimension emerges in the teaching of team sports, known as the technical-tactical unity, understood as the necessity to perform actions that are based on a specific type of decision-making. In this sense, sports technical would result from the interaction between the practitioner, the environment, and the task. Despite these theoretical advancements, in the pedagogical  practice of schools, it is observed that teachers either adhere to the traditional teaching model or downplay learning, deeming it impossible to teach the so-called fundamentals of sports while adopting the emerging approaches oriented towards tactical and decision- making. Given the above, the present study proposes to (1) Reflect upon the notion and role of the technical dimension, in light of emerging approaches to the teaching of team sports in school physical education. (2) Analyze the necessary teaching strategies for enhancing the learning of technical within a game-based instructional model. For this purpose, a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach will be employed, involving the development of a Didactic Pedagogical Intervention Unit (DPIU) for teaching the fundamental offensive principles of the sport of basketball, applied in the teacher- researcher's classes. The expected outcome of the research process is a guidance protocol for teachers that addresses the class of problems related to mediation/problem-solving applied to games, aiming to teach technical-tactical skills in team sports.

Externo à Instituição - ALCIDES JOSE SCAGLIA - UNICAMP
Interna - 1065949 - ROSANA AMARO
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/09/2023 07:39
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