Banca de DEFESA: Beatriz Almeida Amaral

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Beatriz Almeida Amaral
DATE: 10/11/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Faculdade de Educação Física

It's on the Zap! Lived Messages…” The pedagogical use of WhatsApp in the context of school-based Physical Education


Technologies and Education. School Physical Education. Education with Movement Program. WhatsApp.

PAGES: 135
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

Physical Education has been approaching the use of educational technologies. First, as a form of entertainment and, second, as a pedagogical tool, given that some people spend time connected to social media without any efforts for a healthy and balanced experience with the real world. Since this behavior has increased in face of the current scenario of political, economic, and post-pandemic instability, it urges a movement of reinvention and confrontation to not diminish the learning that makes one great and adds knowledge to one’s life. Under these circumstances, this project intends to investigate the pedagogical use of WhatsApp specifically in Physical Education classes. A society that has become more and more connected is installed to learn about the educational use of Technologies, be them Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Information and Communication Digital Technologies (ICDT) and Information, Communication and Expression Digital Technologies (ICEDT) and others that may arise during such process. Based on this panorama, the use of mobile technologies with easy access in the palm of the hand stands out in this study, especially this popular messaging application that has become a way to enable teaching and learning. Therefore, the following research problem has been developed: What are the challenges in the using of WhatsApp as a possible pedagogical resource in Physical Education classes? Faced with this initial question, it has been performed the revision of articles, books, dissertations, and literary theses found by digital means. The methodological course of a qualitative approach is of the “case study” type, through instruments made available before, during and after Physical Education classes via WhatsApp. This investigation of possible mediations that motivate and multiply the conceptions of the educational use of WhatsApp in Physical Education classes allows us to stablish a critical and reflective position on the reality of such context. It is believed that this study will enable the comprehension of the School Physical Education contents, the possibilities of the pedagogical use of WhatsApp potentialize teaching and learning in an interactive and collaborative environment, providing the participants with opportunities for reflection, inclusion, interaction, affection, autonomy and protagonism, contributing for the “integral being”.

Presidente - 1065949 - ROSANA AMARO
Interno - 1191088 - ALFREDO FERES NETO
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/10/2023 17:33
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