Banca de DEFESA: Aline Costa Almeida Araujo

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Aline Costa Almeida Araujo
DATE: 17/04/2024
TIME: 14:00



 Ergonomics of Activity. ill-being at work. Police officers. Quality of Life at Work.

PAGES: 143
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Interest in well-being at work has been growing both in academia and in organizations over the decades, with studies aimed at understanding individual and collective experiences within different professional categories. Each group or category is circumscribed by its dynamics, arising from specific scenarios and the very nature of the work carried out. In this sense, police officers are a category that has been identified as particularly susceptible to high levels of stress and mental health problems when compared to the general population. Organizational aspects and the content of the work are factors that contribute to these professionals experiencing these experiences at work. The literature review on the well-being of police officers indicates a series of gaps in the antecedent variables and their relationships, including contextual, personal and socio-professional variables. This study aimed to analyze the experiences of “well and ill-being” at work of police officers in the context of the Federal Police. Specifically, it sought to identify the main sources of “well and ill-being” at work, describe the levels of “well and ill-being” at work, verify whether there are differences in the levels of well-being at work according to career stage, position held and gender, and compare the sources of “well and ill-being” at work according to socio-professional categories. The research is based on the theoretical-methodological model of Activity Ergonomics Applied to Quality of Life at Work, which is based on activity ergonomics and dialogues with findings from Organizational Psychology and People Management. The study adopted a qualitative-quantitative approach, with a cross-sectional approach, and was conducted with 635 federal police officers. A questionnaire was administered, hosted on an online platform external to the organization, consisting of socio-professional items, closed items to measure positive affect, achievement at work, and negative affect, and two open questions on the sources of well-being and ill-being at work. As for data analysis, descriptive (mean, standard deviation, and variance) and inferential (F-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey's HSD test) analyses were carried out. As far as the qualitative part is concerned, classic textual statistics, group specificity research, descending hierarchical classification, similarity analysis and word clouds were used on the textual corpus and the tables of individuals by word. The qualitative analysis procedures were carried out using the application Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires - IRaMuTeQ. The results show that positive and negative affect coexist in the work of federal police officers, which is in line with other studies with samples of professionals from different categories. There was also a moderate sense of accomplishment at work, indicating that federal police officers identify with the activities carried out in the institution. When the possible differences in the quantitative results of well-being at work were tested according to socio-professional variables, some statistically significant differences were identified in the scores for positive affect, negative affect and fulfillment about position, career and assignment. About the sources of well-being, two thematic nuclei were identified which structured the discourse, the first consisting of the content of serving society, external recognition and a good relationship with the work team, and the second consisting of stability and financial security. By analyzing the specificities of the discourses according to the socio-professional variables, it was possible to support the claim that the federal police officers' representations of well-being at work are similar. Concerning the sources of ill-being at work, four thematic nuclei were identified. The first was made up of negative interpersonal relationships, inexperienced and unprepared managers, the judiciary and bureaucracy; the second was made up of a lack of opportunity for career progression, lack of internal recognition and lack of autonomy; the third was represented by organizational injustice and the difference in treatment between positions, and the fourth was made up of inefficient management. As for the specificities in terms of socio-professional variables, some differences were identified about position and length of police service. This study makes contributions to both the academic and managerial spheres. Firstly, it fills several gaps on the well and ill-being of police officers, provides empirical support for the theoretical-methodological model of the EAA_QVT, raises new points for reflection on the subject and points to a research agenda. In the managerial sphere, it offers insights to managers and organizational policymakers by diagnosing and mapping the sources of well-being and ill-being at work among federal police officers and measuring these experiences. This provides a set of indicators that can be used as a basis for future development of quality of life at work policies and programs, and for evaluating the impact of organizational and managerial actions.

Externa à Instituição - Elka Lima Hostensky - UFSC
Interna - 2315555 - GISELA DEMO FIUZA
Presidente - 1808014 - TATIANE PASCHOAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/04/2024 11:52
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