Banca de DEFESA: Fabio Rodrigues Pereira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Fabio Rodrigues Pereira
DATE: 29/07/2022
TIME: 10:00

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Individual Performance in the Chamber of Deputies


Leadership; Leadership Styles; Transformational Leadership; Transactional Leadership; Laissez-faire leadership; Individual Performance; Work performance; Quality Performance; Performance in Quantity.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The relationship between the manifestation of leadership styles and work performance has, over the years, aroused interest in research in organizational and work psychology and in administration. This study aimed to empirically examine the predictive effect of leadership styles on the performance of servants in the Chamber of Deputies, based on the perception of subordinates. To verify the proposed relationship, a mixed method approach was used. In the qualitative approach, an individual performance measure was constructed and proposed based on 11 in-depth interviews carried out with specialists (managers and technicians from the Directorate of Human Resources) of the Organization under study, which was then submitted to content analysis. . This measure was based on the 'quality' and 'quantity' dimensions of the performance performed, then submitted to semantic validation and by judges. To assess the 'transformational', 'transactional' and 'laissez-faire' leadership styles, different measures already validated were associated, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI) and the Leadership Reward and Punishment Behavior Questionnaire (LRPQ). In the quantitative approach, the questionnaire on leadership styles and individual performance was applied via an online survey to an approximate population of 1,300 civil servants. A sample of 169 respondents (13%) was obtained. For the statistical analysis of the data, the exploratory factor analysis technique was applied, which showed some evidence of the internal validity of the research instrument. The standard multiple linear regression technique was also applied to test the predictive relationship between leadership styles and individual performance. As a result, a structure was identified for the leadership measure, formed by two factors (Factor 'Transformational Leadership and Laissez-Faire' and Factor 'Transactional Leadership'). For the individual performance measure, a unifactorial structure was identified in its 'quality' and 'quantity' dimensions. The results also confirmed, for the investigated sample, the positive prediction (R2 adjusted = 14.6%) of transformational and laissez-faire leadership styles on individual performance from the perspective of followers (Beta = 0.387). There was no statistically significant effect of the prediction of transactional leadership on performance, nor of personal and professional variables. As limitations, we highlight the small sample size obtained, as well as the data collection having taken place at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it impossible to carry out face-to-face techniques for collecting and analyzing information. This work sought to reduce research gaps mentioned in the literature in the field of knowledge in Organizational and Work Psychology and in Administration, and presented practical recommendations in view of the results found. Finally, a research agenda was proposed to develop an understanding of the operationalization of the constructs in the studied organization and in public administration in general.

Interna - 404984 - GARDENIA DA SILVA ABBAD
Externa ao Programa - 6169290 - DIANA VAZ DE LIMA
Externo à Instituição - PEDRO MARQUES-QUINTEIRO - Lusofono
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2022 08:35
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