Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Yuri de Souza Odaguiri Enes

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Yuri de Souza Odaguiri Enes
DATE: 05/08/2022
TIME: 10:00

The role of brand personality on e-commerce clients’ relationship


Brand personality; Relationship marketing; CRM; E-commerce; Structural model

PAGES: 121
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

E-commerce has spread widely in the last decade, achieving intensified growth during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the competitive advantages of e-commerce, it has become a worldwide phenomenon characterized by its convenience, ease of access and price competitiveness, and the variability of products and services offered. Thus, Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies have become essential for the conquest and maintenance of market shares, adapting to the virtual context as a way to ensure customer loyalty, commitment and satisfaction. Furthermore, the success of relationship marketing in e-commerce sites is related to the levels of anthropomorphization attributed by the consumer, an aspect related to brand personality. Thus, the brand personality contributes as a source of inputs required for the strategic positioning of organizations, especially when associated with relationship marketing. In this way, the present study has the main objective of identifying the relationship between the brand personality attributed by e-commerce customers and the perception of the relationship with such brands. Therefore, this dissertation project consists of an Introduction (Chapter 1), Theoretical Framework (Chapter 2), Method (Chapter 3) and Schedule (Chapter 4), as well as a chapter on bibliographical references. It is

worth mentioning that the Theoretical Framework chapter is composed of three interdependent systematic literature reviews, which present bibliometric analyses of the international literature on e-commerce marketing, relationship marketing and brand personality, variables explored by the research. After adapting and obtaining evidence of validity of scientific instruments that allow measuring the perception of consumers regarding the relationship and brand personality in e-commerce, it's intended to investigate the influence of brand personality on the relationship between consumers and brands in this context, through structural equation modeling. In this sense, this research comprises an instrumental, descriptive and explanatory character, with a cross-sectional temporal cut, employing a multi-method approach with the combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. It is expected that the results of this study will allow a deeper understanding of e-commerce consumers' perception of brand personality and relationship, as well as the improvement of the online consumer experience and the development of brand positioning and CRM strategies consistent with the potential of e-commerce.

Presidente - 2315555 - GISELA DEMO FIUZA
Interna - 1299852 - SOLANGE ALFINITO
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/07/2022 10:12
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