Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Abner Santos Belém

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Abner Santos Belém
DATE: 30/08/2022
TIME: 14:30

The behavior of co-creation and co-destruction of value and its relationship with personality traits of service customers in the fintech segment


 value co-creation, value co-destruction, fintechs, behavior, personality traits.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

With the emergence of fintechs in the financial sector, a new era is emerging for banks. In this context, the survival of these new companies becomes an intense challenge. Searching for new ways to develop their innovative business models is essential, creating an improved customer experience and more participatory approaches that result in the transformation of services, creating value together (value co-creation - CCV). However, these participatory strategies do not always go as planned. They often bring negative results to one or both parties (client and company), thus generating codestruction of value (CDV). As a result, customers who actively participate in service relationships with a company can create value by exhibiting expected traits and behaviors that facilitate resource integration. However, they can also destroy value when actors do not exhibit the expected set of traits and behaviors. Therefore, the study seeks to analyze the relationship of customers' personality traits in the development of co-creation and codestruction of value in the service relationship of the fintech segment. It contributes to the literature by better understanding customer traits and behaviors that facilitate value co-destruction and co-creation behavior. For this, it will be necessary to achieve three specific objectives: (1) Identify forms of co-creation and co-destruction of value in the fintech segment; (2) Check factors influencing the development of co-creation or codestruction from the client's point of view; (3) Compare differences between customer personality traits that lead to a propensity for co-creation or co-destruction of value. In order to achieve these objectives, a quantitative, descriptive, exploratory study was chosen, in which data will be collected through a questionnaire applied online, for customers who regularly use the services of Brazilian fintechs, testing seven hypotheses and adapting the scales already developed by the authors Ogunbodede et al. (2022), Yi and Gong (2013) and Rammstedt and John (2007), for the reality of the study.

Externo à Instituição - RICARDO TEIXEIRA VEIGA - UFMG
Presidente - 1228109 - JOSIVANIA SILVA FARIAS
Interno - 1856618 - KARIM MARINI THOME
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/08/2022 08:20
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