Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Mariana Lopes de Araújo

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Mariana Lopes de Araújo
DATE: 30/08/2022
TIME: 10:00

Proposition to an Integrative Model of Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Performance Management System


Performance Management. Performance Appraisal. Evaluation. Effectiveness. Public Sector. Integrative model.

PAGES: 129
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

With the recognition that people could competitively contribute to organizations, Performance Management (PM) appears as a system capable of promoting superior organizational results through a continuous process of individual performance management. In this way, PM is inserted in most organizations, whether private or public, as in Brazil where PM was regulated in 2010 through Decree No. 7,133. However, it is noteworthy that studies have identified dissatisfaction with the PM system, especially on the part of practitioners, a reflection of the difficulties in identifying the results obtained because of the system. Thus, studies have sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of PM, however, such a task is difficult to measure due to the multidimensional characteristic of effectiveness, resulting in a series of studies that are not integrated and make it difficult to consolidate the contribution of the system of PM In this sense, this study aims to empirically test a model for evaluating the effectiveness of the Performance Management system adapted to the context of the Brazilian Federal Public Administration. For this, a mixed approach study will be developed for the construction and validation of measures adapted to the reality of the Brazilian Public Administration that allows the evaluating of the relations established from the proposition of the integrative model. This study hopes to overcome conceptual confusion, meet the wishes for studies that claim for an integrated model with the dimensions and criteria and be able to demonstrate the relationship of the PM system with the individual and organizational results that may interest the PM units of public organizations.

Externa à Instituição - Eliane Maria Pires Giavina Bianchi
Interna - 404984 - GARDENIA DA SILVA ABBAD
Interna - 2315555 - GISELA DEMO FIUZA
Externo à Instituição - KELY CESAR MARTINS DE PAIVA
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/08/2022 10:37
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