Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Raphael Salviano de Souza

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Raphael Salviano de Souza
DATE: 30/08/2022
TIME: 16:00

Circular economy implications on the electrical and electronic equipment sector under multiple stakeholders perspective.


Circular economy; Sustainability; Public Policy; Electronic

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is currently one of the fastest growing municipal solid waste streams in Brazil and worldwide and which have become a problem for both developed and developing countries. In this scenario, the circular economy has received special attention among academics and professionals for promoting the closure of the product life cycle and the creation of new business models that contribute to economic growth and sustainable development. The Brazilian political-legal environment lacks legal norms that address the concept of the circular economy. The National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP), established by effect of law nº. 12.305/2010, establishes guidelines for integrated management and management of solid waste, including WEEE, in which it proposes a set of objectives, principles and instruments. Its effects, however, are reactive to the garbage produced in the post-consumption. Thus, there are no provisions that work on the processes of design and manufacture of electronic equipment in order to promote, for example, the application of less deleterious materials that do not produce tailings at the end of the life cycle, or even to conceive the reintroduction of equipment and components used in production chains. The aim of the research is to analyze the implications of the circular economy for the design and manufacture of electronic equipment from the perspective of the entities participating in the sector agreement for electronic products and consumers. To this end, exploratory and descriptive research will be carried out, with a mixed approach, through an integrative literature review, supported by the Methodi Ordinatio protocol; semi-structured interviews, supported by the SODA (Strategic Options Development Analysis) method with representatives of the entities participating in the sectoral agreement for the implementation of reverse logistics systems of electronic equipment; and, survey online with consumers of electronic equipment. The data will be analyzed through the techniques of bibliometric analysis, content analysis and descriptive statistics with the aid of appropriate software for the treatment of qualitative data, such as Iramuteq, and quantitative data, such as SPSS.

Externa à Instituição - SIMONE SEHNEM - UNISUL/SC
Externo à Instituição - REGINA NEGRI PAGANI - UTFPR
Interna - 1299852 - SOLANGE ALFINITO
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/08/2022 15:24
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