Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Elainy Cristina da Silva Coelho

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Elainy Cristina da Silva Coelho
DATE: 26/10/2022
TIME: 14:30

Co-destruction of value in the service relationship between provider and user mediated by virtual agents enabled by artificial intelligence


Value Co-destruction; Artificial Intelligence; Service

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Virtual service agents enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are progressively being used by companies for customer service and communication, simulating and replacing human service delivery at different touch points. The use of AI in service encounters can reverse into both positive paths, leading to value co-creation, and negative paths, triggering value co-destruction, i.e., causing the loss of stakeholder well-being. The concept of value co-destruction is more recent than that of value co-creation, and has received less attention in research around the world. The state-of-the-art survey, through a systematic literature review (SLR), on value co-creation and value co-destruction in AI-enabled service interactions demonstrated that research on value co-destruction in these interactions is in its early stages, revealing a gap in the literature. Given the above, supported by foundations from the theoretical perspective of the Dominant Logic of Service (DLS), the overall objective of this thesis project is to investigate factors that contribute to value co-destruction in the provider-user relationship in service interactions mediated by virtual service agents enabled by artificial intelligence. The research is exploratory-descriptive, with a mixed approach - qualitative and quantitative. Three empirical studies will be carried out, which will occur respectively: mining of posts on the social media platform Twitter about the minimization of the well-being of actors in service encounters with virtual agents; interviews with customers who have had negative experiences in service encounters mediated by chatbots, and with managers of service platforms that enable chatbots; and finally, development and verification of validity evidence of a scale for measuring the co-destruction of value from the customer's perspective. Investigations into how value can be codestructed contribute theoretically to a deeper understanding of interactive value formation. In managerial terms, organizations can benefit from identifying possible factors and causes of value co-destruction in service interactions with their customers, and anticipating events that minimize stakeholder well-being.

Externo à Instituição - Rodrigo Ladeira - UFBA
Interna - 2315555 - GISELA DEMO FIUZA
Presidente - 1228109 - JOSIVANIA SILVA FARIAS
Interno - 1856618 - KARIM MARINI THOME
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/10/2022 17:43
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