Banca de DEFESA: Claudio Jose Oliveira dos Reis

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Claudio Jose Oliveira dos Reis
DATE: 31/10/2022
TIME: 12:00

Assessing Public Value Creation (Destruction) and Appropriation (Misappropriation) in Public-Private Partnerships


Public-private partnerships. Public value creation. Public value destruction. Public value appropriation. Public value misappropriation. Public value conditions.

PAGES: 106
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are long-term contractual arrangements between public authorities and private partners that place private actors in a key position to provide public goods and services. Governments then have implemented PPPs worldwide as an alternative to the traditional public provision to increase the performance of their public service delivery. However, considering that PPPs' performance may be controversial/mixed, public administration and management (PAM) scholars have posited that a need exists to examine the real performance advantages of PPPs, namely the understudied social-based performance. This is because PPP studies have extensively investigated public value creation and appropriation concerning public services delivered strictly by the government and public-private interactions. Nonetheless, PPP studies often focus on value for money and economic performance criteria. In such a context, the first portion of this research, a conceptual paper, begins by examining how public value can be created and appropriated in PPP settings and how public value mechanisms can influence these phenomena, focusing on PPP social outcomes. Considering that the literature lacks an integrated and structured analytical framework to assess such phenomena, this study fills this gap by offering a public value creation and appropriation framework regarding PPP settings. The second portion of this research, an empirical paper, operationalises such a conceptual framework to empirically investigate how PPP projects can achieve high or low social benefits/impacts through different configurations of conditions. It thus explores how public value creation (destruction) and appropriation (misappropriation) can occur in public-private arrangements as a consequence of such configurations of conditions. For doing so, this empirical study adopts fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to unveil these configurations using a multiple-case comparative study of 24 Brazilian PPP projects, encompassing exemplary cases with qualitative evidence of success and failure. Our findings thus reveal how multiple logics of configurations combine different conditions for achieving high or low public value outcomes through distinct paths. Overall, this doctoral thesis makes theoretical contributions by offering a structured theoretical framework for assessing public value creation (destruction) and appropriation (misappropriation) in PPP settings and adding some nuances to the ongoing debate concerning such phenomena. Finally, as practical implications, these research findings also highlight how policymakers and public/private sector managers can successfully set up PPP arrangements by considering alternative paths associated with high public value outcomes and avoiding low public value ones.

Externa à Instituição - ALKETA PECI - FGV
Externo à Instituição - STEPHEN P. OSBORNE
Externo à Instituição - SANDRO CABRAL - INSPER
Interna - 1299852 - SOLANGE ALFINITO
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/10/2022 11:43
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