Banca de DEFESA: Carlos Lucas Campelo Freitas de Barros

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Carlos Lucas Campelo Freitas de Barros
DATE: 31/05/2023
TIME: 17:00
ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES AND STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE: Study in a Company Brazilian in the Financial and Insurance Sector


Organizational Culture, Pillars, Values, Organizational Strategy, Performance, Leadership.

PAGES: 121
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The importance of aligning organizational culture and strategy has been consolidating over the last few decades, making this relationship an object of attention in the context of contemporary organizations. The alignment between culture and strategy is repeatedly addressed by the scientific literature on management, as it deals with the possible effects on conducting behavior linked to organizational success and thus influencing organizational performance. This research has the general objective of testing the predictive effect between the frequency of perception of the pillars of organizational culture, from the perspective of its employees, on organizational performance indicators of a Brazilian company that operates in the financial and insurance segment. The following research question was established: do the perception of the pillars of organizational culture, from the perspective of its employees, predict organizational performance indicators of a Brazilian company that operates in the financial and insurance segment? The following specific objectives were defined: a) to describe the general view of employees regarding the perception of the pillars of the Organization's culture; b) describe the influence of the perception of the pillars of the organizational culture with the corporate units, for the achievement of the Organization's strategy; c) describe the influence of perception of the pillars of culture with the business units, for the achievement of the Organization's strategy; and d) present evidence of internal validity of the frequency scale of perception of the pillars of organizational culture. Research hypotheses were defined seeking the empirical relationship between the variables, in order to verify the existing relationships between organizational culture and strategy, being the frequency of perception of the pillars of organizational culture, about work routines, the antecedent variable, and the indicator of the indicator of strategic adherence to the criterion variable. The research is characterized as a case study, with a mixed approach, descriptive in the qualitative approach and explanatory in the quantitative approach. The locus deals with a Brazilian private organization, with national operations. The study comprised three stages, namely: in the first stage, qualitative (Q1), interviews were conducted with the Organization's employees, with the aim of raising impressions and opinions about the topics under study; the second stage, quantitative (Q2), aimed to measure the strength of the application of the pillars of organizational culture in the day-to-day work and its predictive relationship with the achievement of the Strategic Adherence Indicator, through the survey (survey) of the perception of Company employees; and, finally, the third, qualitative stage (Q3) sought to raise the perception of managers, from different units, about the results obtained so far, thus aiming at methodological triangulation through complementarity. Content analysis and statistical procedures were carried out in the qualitative stages. For the quantitative testing of the research hypotheses, statistical tests were performed (ANOVA and multiple linear regression) to verify the degree of prediction, in the Organization, based on the possible relationship between the studied variables. As a result of this work, through the analysis of secondary data (Q2) a prediction relationship was presented between the frequency of perception of the pillars of the organizational culture on the Organization's strategic performance indicators. This prediction relationship between the criterion variable represented by the IAE indicator (N=695 and Adjusted R Squared 0.082), and two factors of the independent variable (Soft and Hard Skills) associated with the variable type of unit (UC/UN) had a significant relationship , to this relationship is added the effort of the qualitative stages (Q1 and Q3) whose result showed strong adherence between the variables from the perspective of the interviewees.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 30/05/2023 17:24
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