Banca de DEFESA: Omar Ouro-Salim

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Omar Ouro-Salim
DATE: 07/06/2023
TIME: 14:00

The institutionalization of Circular Economy of food waste: A comparison between Brazil (South America) and Togo (Sub-Saharan Africa)


Circular Economy; Food waste; Sustainability; Institutional Theory; Non-Governmental Organizations; Restaurants

PAGES: 239
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The Linear Economy (LE), inherited from the 19th-century Industrial Revolution, has reached its limit due to the depletion of natural resources. In this context, it is still concerning that 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted worldwide each year. Globally, food waste poses challenges for governments, international organizations, and scientists, with negative impacts on the environment and food security. Due to increasing waste rates and the complexity of food supply chains worldwide, the transition of the food supply chain towards a Circular Economy (CE) is essential for a sustainable food system. The CE focuses on the revaluation of waste to be used as materials with added value. It is a sustainable economy recommended by developed countries and is currently being expanded in developing countries. This study aims to analyze food waste mitigation in restaurants and its valorization by NGOs in Brasília (Brazil/South America) and Lomé (Togo/Sub-Saharan Africa) from the perspective of the Circular Economy and Institutional Theory. In this context, a quanti-qualitative study was conducted through the perception of restaurant and NGO actors in both countries. The questionnaires were distributed via social networks and in printed format to the research participants. Data comparison was performed through content analysis and triangulation. It is emphasized that Institutional Theory was proposed as a theoretical lens for the isomorphic convergence of circular practices and provides an in-depth analysis of institutional pressures that can facilitate their implementation. The results indicate the need for a holistic and systemic approach to effective food waste management systems, based on a consolidated theory, including the development of uniform definitions of food loss and waste, as well as accessible and comparable food waste data. However, further consistent research in the field of Circular Economy of food waste in developing countries is still needed. Additionally, actor awareness, collaboration among actors, financial support, and the presence of strong and appropriate institutions at all levels are essential. Furthermore, there was observed limited adoption of CE strategies in restaurants and CE-like waste management practices in NGOs. This study contributes to scientific advancement as it identified research gaps that can guide future studies and public policies in this field. Finally, it is emphasized that this research can still bring economic, social, and environmental benefits, especially in the context of developing countries, considering waste revaluation. Moreover, these gains can serve as discussion points for the implementation of measures that mitigate food waste

Externo à Instituição - ANDREA LAGO DA SILVA - UFSCAR
Interno - 2562975 - DIEGO MOTA VIEIRA
Interno - 1856618 - KARIM MARINI THOME
Externa à Instituição - SIMONE SEHNEM - UNISUL/SC
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/06/2023 17:05
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