Banca de DEFESA: Paulo Emilio Alcantara Pereira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Paulo Emilio Alcantara Pereira
DATE: 23/06/2023
TIME: 19:00

Big Data Analytics and Data Mining for Evaluation and Forecasting of the Financial Efficiency of the Brazilian Banking Sector: A Study from 2011 to 2022.


big data analytics, data mining, financial institutions, corporate financial performance, financial analysis.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The banking sector as a comprehensive data topic is constantly evolving under the advertising influences of the big data era. Verifying the innovative analytical resources of significant details such as data mining methods is crucial for the banking sector, which strives to reveal valuable information from the enormous amount of data and achieve better strategic management and customer satisfaction. Due to the lack of studies dealing with these technological models in a joint form related to banking financial performance in the Brazilian scenario, this work developed two complete and complementary theoretical-empirical studies, the first using primary data from direct interviews with various actors involved with the study object, and the second using official and public secondary data provided by the national bank regulator, the Central Bank of Brazil. By gathering and analyzing trends in concentration studies, online resource information, technical aids, and analytical resources for information, this particular dissertation contributes to gaining important insights into the successive advances in big data analysis (BDA) and data mining (DM) in the banking sector. Thus, the study aims to verify, in a first moment, the influence of BDA on banking financial performance, and in a second moment, to analyze which DM technique is best for predicting financial performance (FP) of banks. The proposition being tested in this study is that these technologies play a fundamental role in the banking industry, becoming fundamental solutions for corporate financial performance scholars and financial analysts. Therefore, as a general conclusion, the work supports the argument that BDA and DM play a determining and finalistic influence on decision-making in corporate management, contributing fundamentally to financial performance, and can even determine its success or failure, depending on the management undertaken in data analysis. In addition, the work contributes to discussions about big data analysis, asset management, resource management, among other subjects, especially from the perspective of banking supervisory agents with actions focused on financial stability.

Interno - 2288460 - CARLOS ROSANO PENA
Presidente - 2746674 - IVAN RICARDO GARTNER
Externo à Instituição - JOSE ALVES DANTAS - BB
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/06/2023 10:17
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