Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Tamires Moura Fernandes

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Tamires Moura Fernandes
DATE: 17/07/2023
TIME: 10:00

The impact of leader-member relationship quality on well-being at work: test of a structural model in the public service


Leader-member relationship quality; Well-being at work; Measurement models; Prediction structural model.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Considering the growing importance that individuals have been acquiring as valuable assets in the work context, the promotion of well-being at work has become an increasingly high priority in organizations. Therefore, well-being at work establishes itself as a fundamental aspect in achieving individual, team and organizational results. There are several studies that analyze the factors that impact well-being at work, and many emphasize the importance of leadership as a predictor of well-being. However, no studies specifically analyzing leader-member relationships quality as a precursor to well-being at work, from the conceptual framework of well-being that combines hedonic and eudaimonic perspectives, were found in the literature, which represents a relevant gap that this study aims to fill. Thus, this descriptive, exploratory, and quantitative research aims to test the impact of leader-member relationships quality on well-being at work of technical-administrative staff at the University of Brasília (UnB), a chosen setting that also represents a gap in the studies on well-being in public institutions. To achieve this objective, two systematic literature reviews were conducted, one for each variable of the research, structured in the format of scientific articles. Therefore, the presentation of the state of the art of the studied variables – leader-member relationship quality and well-being at work – provided a discussion of the main research paths so far and the indication of a research agenda for further studies. The target sample of the research is 250 employees, aiming for a statistical power of 95% and considering possible data loss during the data processing stage. Data collection will take place online through a survey with the application of questionnaires. The collected data will be analyzed through descriptive statistical analyses and structural equation modeling to test the measurement models of the variables and the structural prediction model. Finally, it is expected that the study results will provide a diagnosis for public managers in the researched organization to implement people management practices that contribute to improvements in employee well-being and the promotion of more humanized, healthy and productive work environments, based on the identification of positive and critical aspects in the relationship developed between leaders and their teams.

Presidente - 2315555 - GISELA DEMO FIUZA
Externa à Instituição - KARLA VELOSO COURA - UNIMONTES
Interna - 1808014 - TATIANE PASCHOAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/07/2023 10:06
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