Ingredient branding. Brand equity. B2B. B2C. Advertising message. Marketing.
In an ingredient branding strategy, the audience's perception of the host and ingredient corporate brands can affect the brand equity of products jointly offered by them. This perception may vary between B2C and B2B audiences and also according to the advertising message of the brands. However, studies on the possible interference of these variables in this relationship are scarce. This research investigates the moderating effects of audience types and advertising messages on the relationship between the alliance of companies with different brand valences and the perception of product brand equity created and shared by them. An experiment (2x2x2x2) was conducted with the perceived product brand equity as the dependent variable, manipulating the valence of corporate brand equities (strong and weak) of host and ingredient companies, the type of advertising message (utilitarian and symbolic), and the audience type (B2C and B2B). The sample consists of 540 participants, and data were collected in two surveys. The analysis was performed through seven ANCOVAs, one for the perceived product brand equity and the others for each of its six indicators. As a result, it was found that strong host and ingredient corporate brands directly increase the product brand equity and its indicators, with a focus on the host brand. The audience type and message type directly affect only some indicators, namely, perceived image and quality, while the message type directly affects only perceived quality. Moderation effects were also found. The audience moderates the weak host corporate brand on the product brand equity and the loyalty, exclusivity, and willingness to pay a premium price indicators. In the case of the strong host corporate brand, there is moderation only on these indicators. Regarding the ingredient corporate brand, the audience moderates the knowledge and image indicators. As for message moderation, this occurs only on the ingredient corporate brand and affects the willingness to pay a premium price indicator. This research contributes to the effectiveness of decision-making regarding the formation of ingredient branding, also demonstrating under which conditions of audience and advertising message the brand of products can be more valued by consumers.