Banca de DEFESA: Tiago Rodrigues Coelho de Moura

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Tiago Rodrigues Coelho de Moura
DATE: 05/05/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Plataforma TEams

Analysis of gas tank explosions close to buildings using computational fluid dynamics


Gas tanks, Explosion, Shock wave, Damage, Protective barriers.


PAGES: 105
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Estruturas
SPECIALTY: Mecânica das Estruturas

In many urban buildings, gas is supplied through central stations where pressurized tanks are located. One of the main risks associated with these places is the explosion, which can generate, as a primary effect, a shock wave and then launch fragments at high speeds and even cause fires. Explosions are characterized by the sudden expansion of a material and, consequently, the release of energy. In many situations, the consequence of this phenomenon in gas central storage is catastrophic since the overpressure of the shock wave can cause various material damages and even fatalities. Some researches have contributed to understand this event in terms of predicting the energy stored in the gas tanks and the pressure distribution around the explosion. However, it is necessary to broaden the understanding of this subject using numerical tools capable of overcoming limitations of analytical models, for example, predicting pressures in a complex environment where multiple reflections of the shock wave occur. Furthermore, analyzing protective physical barriers for constructions close to gas tanks with large volumes is essential for developing safer and more reliable projects. Through numerical simulations, the present work aimed to analyze the shock wave overpressures resulting from explosions of gas tanks on the ground and in buried shelters. For this, environments representing common situations in urban areas were proposed. Furthermore, the influence of obstacles on overpressure peaks was analyzed. All simulations in this study were performed using the Autodyn software from the Ansys® Workbench package. The results allowed a broader understanding of the distribution of pressures in each analyzed scenario and the correlation with possible damages.

Presidente - 1225412 - GRACIELA NORA DOZ DE CARVALHO
Interno - 707.843.298-34 - JOSE LUIS VITAL DE BRITO - UnB
Externo à Instituição - GREGÓRIO SANDRO VIEIRA - UFU
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/04/2023 00:55
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