Banca de DEFESA: Marilia Candida Pinto Borges

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Marilia Candida Pinto Borges
DATE: 29/08/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Informática do PTARH com Transmissão pela Plataforma MS Teams

Development of a flood vulnerability index in Brazilian municipalities based on SNIS data


Vulnerability; Urban floods; SNIS; Urban water planning and management.

PAGES: 186
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Sanitária
SUBÁREA: Saneamento Ambiental

Vulnerability is an essential concept for the development of risk mitigation strategies at different levels. Considering it in urban water management is an essential activity for the effective and long-term reduction of disaster risks.

Considering the flood events that result in the occurrence of flooding, which are directly linked to the infrastructure for drainage and management of urban rainwater (DMUR), the present work uses data from the National System of Information on Sanitation, module Rainwater (SNIS- AP), for the construction of an Index of Urban Vulnerability to Flooding in Brazilian municipalities. From a set of several variables related to the SNIS-AP, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used as a tool to select a subset of those that most account for the variability of the data set, and from there, indexes of vulnerability that include aspects of planning, infrastructure, risk management and maintenance of urban drainage. The use of PCA proved to be adequate to reduce the number of analysis variables, as well as to group them according to similar characteristics, which allowed relating them, in order to identify the categories that most influence urban vulnerability to flooding. of the municipalities.

The index was defined using the scores resulting from the PCA and, based on the results, it was possible to identify 1,225 municipalities classified as having high or very high vulnerability, with emphasis on the Southeast and South macro-regions, which have the largest share of these municipalities ( 40.1% and 30.7%, respectively), followed by the Northeast macro-region, with 16.7% of the municipalities. The validation of the defined index consisted of analyzing the record of flood events that resulted in flooding, in certain municipalities, and their impacts on the population. The vulnerability classification made from the defined index tends to be consistent with the identified records, and it is observed that the adoption of planning and risk management measures contribute significantly to the reduction of its vulnerability.

The analysis focused on flooding events contributes to the identification of deficiencies in the DMAPU systems. The present study goes beyond the analysis of flood events, which are concentrated in regions where there are water bodies in urban areas, striving to identify situations of vulnerability in the most diverse Brazilian municipal configurations, which is an important and innovative tool for the management of urban waters.

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