Banca de DEFESA: Rafael Monteiro de Lima

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rafael Monteiro de Lima
DATE: 21/05/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Informática do PTARH com Transmissão pela Plataforma MS Teams

Performance, seasonality and reliability evaluation of the Sobradinho wastewater treatment plant in the Federal District, Brazil


STP Sobradinho; Activated Sludge; Reliability evaluation; performance analysis

PAGES: 118
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Sanitária
SUBÁREA: Recursos Hídricos

The study assessed the quality of the raw and treated effluent and the treatment reliability from the Sobradinho Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), located in the Federal District (DF) and operated by the Environmental Sanitation Company of the Federal District (CAESB), between January 2017 and October 2023, comparing the periods before (BR), during (R) and after (AR) the emergency reform for the repair of its main aerated biological reactor of the activated sludge system.

It was observed that the sewage inflow to the Sobradinho STP is more concentrated than the typical. While the effluent sewage showed concentrations of BOD, COD and SS within or close to the ranges indicated as typical by the literature according to the existing treatment system, having in the BR and R periods widest concentration ranges, and in the DR period thinner ranges.

There was a reduction in the removal efficiencies of BOD, COD and SS in the R period, due to the emergency change of the treatment system, followed by a significant improvement in the AR period. The results highlight the positive impact of the implementation of oxygen and SS concentration online analyzers in the aeration reactors on operational control and, consequently, on the efficiency of the activated sludge system, going from a median BOD removal efficiency of 91% in the BR period to 96.5% in the AR period, with the difference in the removal efficiencies of COD and SS being even more expressive, from 82% to 92% in the case of COD and from 82% to 95.7% in the case of SS concentration.

The STP showed clear interference from the seasonal period, with flows in the rainy periods significantly higher than those in the dry periods and, in general, the sewage more concentrated in relation to all parameters in the dry period. However, the STP was able to deal with the seasonal differences, showing significant differences only between the removal efficiencies of COD at the BR moment, SS at the AR moment and PT at the R and AR moments.

The STP had a significant reduction of compliance with the discharge standard in relation to BOD from the BR period to the R period, followed by a considerable improvement in the AR period. In the AR period, the STP had compliance percentages of COD and SS above 95% in relation to the evaluated discharge standards, complying strict regulations on these parameters, such as those of the European Union.

Interna - 1646057 - YOVANKA PEREZ GINORIS
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/05/2024 16:21
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