Banca de DEFESA: Alisson Melo Rios

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Alisson Melo Rios
DATE: 07/06/2024
TIME: 19:00
LOCAL: sala de reunião da EPR/FT

Application of risk management in partnership accountability, with a focus on group consensus using Bayesian theory in multicriteria analysis



Risk Management, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Analytic Hierarchy Process - Group Decision Maker, Bayes’ Theorem, Aggregation of Individual Judgments i

BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação
SUBÁREA: Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação
SPECIALTY: Sistemas de Informação

The Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship of the Federal District has partnerships with the third sector, commonly called Civil Society Organizations, which must issue an accountability report, at the end of the projects, for analysis by the public entity. The present work aims to use Risk Management to mitigate possible failures in the analysis of the accountability processes of Civil Social Organizations, in order to resolve the following issue: Public Administration can mitigate risks related to divergent measurements of the agreed results in terms of partnership, between public administration and Civil Social Organizations - CSOs, so that the perception of the weights of the criteria considered mainly by decision-makers, are similar between approval, approval with reservation or rejection of accounts? For this purpose, the external and internal context, criteria, identification, analysis and assessment of Risks were established, as well as the treatment action defined within the scope of the research. For this purpose, tools such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Current Reality Tree and Hierarchical Analytical Process for Group Decision were used with calculations using the Bayesian theory before applying the Individual Aggregation of Judgments. The results showed that the use of the Bayesian theory rationalized the methodology for applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process tool, together with the Individual Aggregation of Judgments and that among the weights of the criteria in group consensus, the Social Impact proved to be irrelevant even being the main purpose of the work of Civil Society Organizations, which is revealed in another risk. When analyzing the weight of the criteria in the alternatives, it was observed that the criterion Cost is the one that most interferes and Efficiency least interferes in the specialist’s evaluation, as for approval, what interferes most is Effectiveness and what interferes least is Cost . 

Presidente - 3164711 - JOAO CARLOS FELIX SOUZA
Interno - 1114843 - ARI MELO MARIANO
Interno - ***.366.561-** - JOAO GABRIEL DE MORAES SOUZA - UnB
Externa à Instituição - Elaine Coutinho Marcial - UCB
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/06/2024 09:12
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