Banca de DEFESA: Javan de Oliveira Cruz

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Javan de Oliveira Cruz
DATE: 10/08/2022
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência no Teams

An Information Architecture for the Organization of Field Event Information in Military Operations of the Brazilian Army with the Use of Ontologies


Ontology, Information Architecture, reports structuring, situational awareness, decision-making.

PAGES: 101
BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação
SUBÁREA: Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação

The Centro de Coordenação de Operações Móvel (CCOp Mv) is a strategic project of the Brazilian Army that is under development, with the aim to support a Large Operational Command in war and non-war situations. CCOp Mv will be composed of different technologies, systems and resources, in order to achieve its objective. Among its main functionalities can be highlighted the acquisition and provision of information of field events, which in addition to directing the construction of situational awareness, represent the essential parameters for the decision-making process of authorities, in military operations. Despite the technological advances experienced today, the nature of current conflicts allows for the perception of the relevance of obtaining data through human observers. However, simply obtaining data is not considered sufficient for the formation of specific knowledge about a given domain, requiring the construction of a structured information base, which allows the recovery of knowledge in an optimized way. In this context, the proposal of this research is to provide an Information Architecture aimed at obtaining data through field observers, in addition to providing generated knowledge, having as parameters the organization and informational reports structuring, employing ontologies for its semantic representation. Furthermore, the construction of an ontology prototype is being proposed, in order to support the developed information architecture, since the domain of military events has a considerable specificity. As contributions can be highlighted the provision of an Information Architecture, which aims to assist in the optimization of obtaining information in military operations, as well as the prototype of ontology that was developed, which could be used as a basis for the development of other applications within the Brazilian Army.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 26/07/2022 10:54
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