Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Eliane Cunha Marques

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Eliane Cunha Marques
DATE: 21/03/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Remoto pelo Teams



  TI Risks - Risk Management Process – Business Intelligence

PAGES: 175
BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação

This study addresses the issue of risk management in Information Technology at the Brazilian Company of Hospital Services (Ebserh).The Ebserh Network is constituted by the Central Administration and its branches, composed of 41 federal university hospitals distributed throughout Brazil.It is known that there are standards, tools and methods that help companies manage their risks, however it was found that a single methodology would not be able to cover the specificities of Information Technology of all 41 federal university hospitals in the Ebserh Network.Given the above, the objective of this study is to propose a model of Risk Management Process for IT assets for Rede Ebserh.To this end, a bibliographical, documental, basic research was carried out with a qualitative, quantitative and descriptive approach in order to obtain the necessary theoretical basis for the development of the model and, in this way, the IT Risk Management Process of the Ebserh Network was obtained,based on ISO/IEC 31000, ISO/IEC 27005, internal regulations and those of the Federal Government, allowing better management of the uncertainties surrounding the implementation of Ebserh's IT organizational strategies.After preparing the Ebserh Network's IT Risk Management Process Model, it was validated and subsequently published and implemented in the Ebserh Network.For monitoring, techniques related to business intelligence (BI) were used, allowing the visualization of information through reports (dashboard) and generating knowledge for decision making.The resulting results showed that the IT risk management process model was satisfactory and that the data obtained from the BI application aligned with other internal tools, allowed Ebserh to obtain greater accuracy in viewing the information of its IT risks.This study showed that a well-implemented IT risk management process model, combined with BI techniques and quality data, can provide inputs for Ebserh to make better decisions according to the analysis of the company's IT risk levels.Network, as well as being used by other public institutions that need an IT risk management process model.

Presidente - 1334353 - RICARDO MATOS CHAIM
Externo à Instituição - ROSALVO ERMES STREIT - UCB
Interna - 1765997 - SIMONE BORGES SIMAO
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/03/2023 09:06
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