Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Luís Augusto Vieira Ribeiro

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Luís Augusto Vieira Ribeiro
DATE: 10/02/2023
TIME: 19:30
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção

Aplicação da Análise de Decisão Multicritério e Otimização na Tomada de Decisão: Um Estudo das Demandas da Tecnologia da Informação no Governo Federal Luís Augusto Vieira Ribeir

Application of Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Optimization in Decision Making: A Study of the Information Technology Demands in the Government  Federal  


: IT Demand Management, Multi-Criteria Analysis, Optimization, Decision Making Process, AHP, Promethee, Risk Simulator

BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação
SUBÁREA: Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação
SPECIALTY: Sistemas de Informação

In an increasingly dynamic environment, the speed of decision-making has become a differential, especially in a scenario that has many obstacles, such as the government. Interests from different spheres (municipal, state and federal) and different actors (political parties, benches, mobilization of popular groups), must be consolidated in the most assertive decision for society. Thus, methods that guarantee the decrease of subjectivity and increase the consolidation of different points of view are necessary. Thus, the objective of this study is to demonstrate a decision-making model through the use of the hierarchical analytical process (AHP) in partnership with the Promethee II method, applying optimization through Risk Simulator to prioritize the information technology demands of the Ministry Federal Public. This is an exploratory research with a qualitative-quantitative approach using multicriteria analysis and optimization. As a preliminary result of the study, the criteria Support, Strategic and Interested Parties were established, with the respective approximate weights of 65%, 28% and 7%. Eight alternatives were defined, where the most prominent was "Technical knowledge of the ICT team" with an approximate weight of 24.5%. The combination of criteria and alternatives applied during the research resulted in the demand for Security being the highest priority and the demand for BI being the lowest priority among the 12 selected. It is also up to the computational application of the Risk Simulator tool to carry out the optimized prioritization according to restrictions defined by senior management.

Presidente - 3164711 - JOAO CARLOS FELIX SOUZA
Interno - 1114843 - ARI MELO MARIANO
Interno - 016.366.561-37 - JOAO GABRIEL DE MORAES SOUZA - UnB
Externo à Instituição - PENG YAOHAO
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/01/2023 16:49
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