Banca de DEFESA: Cícero Félix de Sousa

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Cícero Félix de Sousa
DATE: 18/04/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

'I was born, I raised and I'm here until today' - The spectacular aspects of rural daily life at the Altar of the Child God and the Festival of Our Lady of Deliverance, in Canápolis (BA).


Ethnocenology, spectacularity, Catholicism, tradition, Western Bahia.

PAGES: 225
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

This thesis aims to understand how the Altar of Menino Deus and the Folia de Nossa do Livramento, sacred manifestations that have been taking place for several decades in Jataí, a rural community in Canápolis (BA), in the Rio Corrente Basin Identity Territory, West of Bahia , have resisted in the context of the region that has become one of the most recent agricultural frontiers in Brazil. Recognized by Ethnocenology as extraordinary social phenomena of the contemporary scene, these manifestations are marked by residues of Portuguese colonial devotion, by Afro-indigenous cultures and constitute a space for rural socialization and cultural resistance. This thesis is structured based on the existential subjectivity of the prayer woman Dona Pulu, it takes a transdisciplinary and cosmoperceptive approach to these traditions that transgress the routine of rural daily life in the territory with sound and visual aesthetics, bringing together people from different communities to celebrate the poíesis of faith, being together in celebration and with the sacred.

Interno - 2522365 - JORGE DAS GRACAS VELOSO
Interna - 1198789 - LUCIANA HARTMANN
Externa à Instituição - ALEXANDRA GOUVEIA DUMAS - UFBA
Externa à Instituição - MARLINI DORNELES DE LIMA - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/03/2024 10:49
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