Banca de DEFESA: Antonio do Carmo Brasil

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Antonio do Carmo Brasil
DATE: 09/09/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto

Echoes and reflexes of the graduation in Theater EaD/UnB in the practice and in the daily life of licensed teachers in Tarauacá-Acre


Distance education; Theater; UAB-UnB; Teacher training; Tarauaca.

PAGES: 117
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

The process of democratization, expansion and interiorization of higher education through distance education raises reflections on its inclusive relevance from north to south of Brazil. This work focuses on analyzing the echoes and reflexes of the graduation in Theater EaD/UnB in the practice and in the daily life of licensed teachers in the city of Tarauacá-Acre. For that, the theoretical and methodological references of this dissertation are situated in qualitative field research, through the technique of semi-structured interview in chat circles with professors-students and students from local schools. It also discusses different contributions aimed at understanding the panorama of distance education in Brazil in recent years, and the process of training teachers in Theater through distance education. In this context, we also highlight the role of the University of Brasília-UnB in the pioneering spirit of offering higher education courses, which at first were only offered in person, considering the specificities, in the distance modality, in the most diverse locations of the country. It is also noted that, among the dimensional aspects analyzed in this research, a new perception arises about distance education, with regard to teacher training and its relevance of internalization to local cultures. In this sense, the results of this research show ethical, aesthetic and economic contributions of the Theater course to the pedagogical practice and in the personal and professional daily life of the trained teachers, reflecting on the daily life of the students of these teachers. 

Interna - 3222130 - ALICE STEFANIA CURI
Externa à Instituição - ELISABETH SILVA LOPES - USP
Presidente - 2522365 - JORGE DAS GRACAS VELOSO
Externa à Instituição - LUZIRENE DO REGO LEITE
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/09/2022 14:23
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