Banca de DEFESA: Thaís Felizardo Resende

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Thaís Felizardo Resende
DATE: 06/10/2022
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Remoto

Criabrincos: the awakening of the sensitive in childhood through theater, music, dance and games in non-formal education - CEU das Artes - Recanto das Emas - DF.


Non-formal teaching. Experiences. Affectivity. Social Vulnerability. Listen carefully.

PAGES: 115
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

In the present text I analyze the role of affectivity in educational practices in the context of nonformal teaching of learning. The corpus of analysis is the activities/workshops linked to artistic languages, especially the performing arts, taught by me, between 2018 and 2021, at the institution CEU das Artes/Citizenship-Culture Station of Recanto das Emas in the Federal District, which has with the social function of offering art, sport, leisure and cultural activities to the community in social and/or economic vulnerability. I narrate the dialectic of the craft pointing out the difficulties and potential of face-to-face and remote/hybrid teaching carried out before and during the pandemic. The research is methodologically guided by the assumptions of “research guided by practice” and “research-action” and is theoretically guided by dialogues with Jorge Larrosa, Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Luciana Hartmann, among other researchers in art and education. The purpose was to reflect on the crossings that occurred in this educational context, highlighting the importance of attentive/sensitive listening through the experiences lived and acquired during the organization and reorganization of work and its particularities, considering affection, exchange and love, strengthening what I believe to be the connection between art, life and education.

Externa ao Programa - 1424680 - FABIANA MARRONI DELLA GIUSTINA
Externa à Instituição - JOANA ABREU - UFG
Interno - 2522365 - JORGE DAS GRACAS VELOSO
Presidente - 1198789 - LUCIANA HARTMANN
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/09/2022 10:48
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