Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Gabriela Guimarães Luque

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gabriela Guimarães Luque
DATE: 07/12/2022
TIME: 15:00

FAMILY RECIPE: Performative self-fiction in the play Bolo Republicano


Autofiction. Performativity. Autobiography. Postmemory. Theater.

BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

This work proposes to discuss two themes that surround the concept of autofiction in Brazilian theater, they are: the conceptual lack of control of the terms autobiographical and autofictional in theater today, as well as post-memory when talking about oneself and the other in theatrical creation. This discussion began to be elaborated from the play Bolo Republicano of performative language presented in August 2022 in Belo Horizonte, whose authorship and performance are the author of this research. While preparing and baking a cake, the actress tells the audience memories of her and her grandmother's lives. It is questioned which type of work is autobiographical and which is autofictional? The pact of truth that the autobiography proposes is illusory when one considers reconstitutions of memories, as there is an interpretation of the truth that depends on the subject. Memory enters precisely the autofictional field that Doubrovsky (2014) defends as memories that can be rearranged. Thus, the conceptual problem may lie in the credibility that the autobiography promises to deliver, forgetting the fact that memory is flawed (LACAN, 2005) and that the displacement of reality is inherent to the scenic game. Autofiction hybridizes the boundaries between reality and fiction. The presence of his grandmother's narrative was identified as autofiction, since it is about someone else's memory. However, the actress uses Marianne Hirsch's concept of post-memory (2008), which points to remarkable experiences transmitted in such profound and affective ways that 2nd or 3rd generation subjects begin to constitute memories of events experienced by their ancestors. . That is, the actress carries in her memory experiences that were passed on to her through stories, documents, images, making the connection with the past through projections and creations of her own memory. As a methodology, the Research Guided by Practice (HASEMAN, 2015) was used, subsidized mainly by logbooks and the qualitative analysis of a questionnaire that emphasizes perception of the play, answered by approximately 33% of the total audience of Bolo Republicano on the 23rd and August 24, 2022. With these topics I propose a conceptual expansion of talking about oneself in contemporary theater.

Externa à Instituição - MARA LUCIA LEAL - UFU
Interno - 3424516 - CESAR LIGNELLI
Interna - 323.761.460-20 - ELISABETH SILVA LOPES - USP
Presidente - 2329908 - SULIAN VIEIRA PACHECO
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/11/2022 13:02
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