Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Fernanda Dias de Freitas Pimenta

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Fernanda Dias de Freitas Pimenta
DATE: 09/05/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto

Subversives: feminist dramaturgies in women’s clowning


Women’s clowning; feminisms; comicities; dramaturgies; gender devices; subversion

PAGES: 110
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

The text highlights the progress of a research that investigates the ways in which female comicity responds to and contests gender impositions demanded of women and, as such, consolidates itself as an instrument for comic and potentially feminist dramaturgical creations. It aims to reflect on the clowning created and experienced by women and its relationship with the thoughts/attitudes/ideas of feminisms. Investigations about women in clowning, comicity and various feminisms are the starting points for this analysis, which unfolds in interviews with contemporany clowns and investigation and analysis of a solo show experienced and mounted by me, a research clown. Despite the appearance of women in clowning for some time, she only managed to exercise this function because there were social changes in her life condition, which boosted her performance in the arts. Through clowning and comic, I suppose we can provoke reflections on our condition as a woman by bringing dramaturgies that show gender oppression to the heart of the scene. In a sexist and hegemonically engendered patriarchal culture, how can the social construction of women serve as a basis for the dramaturgical and creative process of clowns? As clowns, comicity allows us to choose themes and signs that seek to highlight, break and destroy structural oppressions in relation to women’s living conditions and their behavioral limitations. The main dialogues will be with the psychologist and gender researcher Valeska Zanello, and the clowns Daiani Brum, Ana Borges and Karla Cordeiro. It is a research that focuses on the elements attributed to the creation of clowning, but with a focus on the recent renovation of its comic dramaturgies through a feminine, feminist and subversive bias.

Interno - 3424516 - CESAR LIGNELLI
Externa à Instituição - JOICE AGLAE BRONDANI - UFBA
Presidente - 2365076 - NITZA TENENBLAT
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/04/2023 15:52
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