Banca de DEFESA: Belister Rocha Paulino

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Belister Rocha Paulino
DATE: 20/06/2023
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Remoto

Expanding the Expressive Movement - or about poetics for the creation of dance in artistic-educational contexts


Dance Education; Expressivity; Intercorporeality; Imagination; Performativity

PAGES: 377
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

Based on the statement that dance is a phenomenon of lived experience, the study advocates the interweaving and integration of choreographic itineraries with the senses, perceptions, imagination, creations and recreations that present themselves to the subjects acquiescent to this experience in artistic-educational contexts. The problem that emerged from a practice-based research, therefore performative, highlights, that even in the face of the reality where one perceives the inexistence of actions or misunderstandings around the practice of dance in the context of education, there remains the desire to overcome dance as a practice commonly disconnected from the experience and understanding of the body, the totality of being and the integration with the world of things and people. The study believes, therefore, that the inclusion of dance in the daily routine of education, beyond the contributions evidenced in curricular orientations that highlight the development of corporeality, among others, is a form of allowing the creative and inventive experience of the subjects. Based on a continuing education experience for teachers of the Education Secretariat of the Federal District, with the course Movimento, Arte e Expressividade na Escola - MAE (Movement, Art and Expression at School), the doctoral research begins and expands with the pedagogical propositions developed in this investigative process in dance, with the interventions of Ampliando o Movimento Expressivo - AME (Extending the Expressive Movement), experienced with students from the discipline of Tópicos Experimentais em Artes Cênicas - TEAC (Experimental Topics in Performing Arts) and through artistic experiments conducted by the researcher, whose practical involvement places her together with the research subjects. The study has the main purpose of proposing/analyzing/ experiencing/dancing processes of choreographic creation from the experiences and expressive poetics of the body, evidenced in educational practices. The body, the imagination, and the word form the nuclei for the analysis of the poetics of the research, highlighted in the neologisms Poestesia, Poetiver, and Poecitar, respectively. Each poetics is accompanied by symbologies, verbs, and philosophical approaches, mainly related to the phenomenological perceptions of Merleau-Ponty and Gaston Bachelard, to understand the creative processes developed. Thus, the Poestesia brings the image of the tree of life to explain the esthesiological relationship between body/space/movement, the Poetiver has in the symbolism of paper the way for the imagination to unveil the metaphors of movement, and the Poecitar takes the book object to represent the performative capacity of the body that recites and interprets the words through its communicative expressiveness. The three poetics are interwoven in the figure of Möbius to present the choreographic itineraries of Poamear and to highlight the elements that will characterize the discoveries of this investigative process, synthesized in the intercorporeality, in the metaphors and in the performativity that pedagogical instruments and practices such as MAE/AME, TEAC, Bibliodance, paper dance and the notebooks/books of danced words, helped to promote in this dance in education experience. In the distant encounter of bodies isolated by the pandemic, a garden of creative possibilities grows and makes other meanings of the presence-absence instaured sprout, as well as the craftsmanship to which the body turns in the construction of experiences with the danced movement.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 18/05/2023 16:13
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