Banca de DEFESA: Rodrigo Ribeiro Bittes

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rodrigo Ribeiro Bittes
DATE: 18/07/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Teams

Music, acting and scene at the 5th edition of the Anthropophagus University at Oficina Theatre


Oficina Theatre; Acting; Music; Scene Music; Scene; Songwriting for Theatre; Anthropophagus University; Creative Process.

PAGES: 215
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

This research aims to study the different elements present at the work of the 5th edition of the Anthropophagus University at Oficina Theatre, that took place in 2022 in São Paulo, Brazil. Music, acting and scene are analyzed and discussed in first hand by a researcher who was part of the laboratory of musical experiments, singing and songwriting – also known as group 5. As tools, this research uses: the video recording of the play; photos of rehearsals and meetings within and out of group 5; the researcher’s logbook; the text and the script that are in the appendix of this work; the songs written by group 5 – as well as their recordings and music sheets. By using these tools, this research intends to fulfill its goals: the documentation and analysis of this edition in particular and the resulting play called Cacilda y Carmem: deusas encontram-se na clandestinidade. For such, a brief historical record of Oficina Theatre, an experience report of group 5 and the study of the play will be made. The research also intends to answer how music, acting and scene were structured and worked in the group 5 of the 5th edition of the Anthropophagus University.

Interna - 3222130 - ALICE STEFANIA CURI
Presidente - 3424516 - CESAR LIGNELLI
Externo à Instituição - FRANCIS WILKER DE CARVALHO - UFC
Externo à Instituição - MARCOS MACHADO CHAVES - UFGD
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/06/2023 10:05
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