Banca de DEFESA: Julie Anna Wetzel Deeter

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Julie Anna Wetzel Deeter
DATE: 31/08/2023
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Híbrido (Sala de Reuniões - PPGCEN e Teams)

CIA BURLESCA IN THE MARCH OF HISTORY: Political theater, territorial issue and feminist perspective in “Bendita Dica”, “O Longe” and “A Legítima História Verdade”


Cia Burlesca, Political theater, territory, social struggle. Popular feminism.

PAGES: 298
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

The journey of the Cia Burlesca do Distrito Federal theater group is the subject of research in this work, with an analytical focus comprising three works collectively produced by the members of the collective – “Bendita Dica”, “O Longe” and “A Legítima História Verdadeira” – which discuss the territorial issue from the perspective of popular feminism. The research corpus encompasses moments of political theater in Brazil in dialogue with social struggles, starting from the 1950s and the group theater movement in São Paulo, considering that the directors of Cia Burlesca shows were part of the experiences that emerged in the 1990s with the movement “Arte contra a barbarie”, of resistance of the artistic and theatrical segment to the dismantling promoted by neoliberalism. The historical and sociocultural panorama of the city of Brasília and the Federal District is investigated to contribute to the analysis of the group's performance, which began in 2008. In this way, Cia Burlesca's work continues the historical legacy of political theater due to its mode of production, the themes they address in their works and the territories of social movements and organizations that operate. The analyzed works denounce the unequal land structure and point out perspectives of more humanized relations and popular organization from feminist leaders. The collective's theatrical work contributes to popularizing themes that structure society and places itself in the dispute for the popular political project of the working class for a more just, egalitarian and dignified society.

Externo ao Programa - 2297531 - FELIPE CANOVA GONCALVES - nullPresidente - 1734073 - RAFAEL LITVIN VILLAS BOAS
Interna - 2329908 - SULIAN VIEIRA PACHECO
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/08/2023 11:45
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