Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Gabriela Guenther Ribeiro Novanta

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gabriela Guenther Ribeiro Novanta
DATE: 15/02/2023
TIME: 08:00
LOCAL: on line

Wistar, Antioxidants, Noise, Hearing loss, Noise-induced


Wistar, Antioxidants, Noise, Hearing loss, Noise-induced

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Medicina
SUBÁREA: Clínica Médica

ntroduction: Noise is the most common physical agent in our environment and is a risk factor present in several human activities, in the daily life of the community, in the domestic environment and also in most work processes. The best means of preventing primary damage in the event of exposure to high sound pressure levels is noise protection. As this protection is not always possible, for several reasons, the use of antioxidants has been studied to prevent or treat NIHL. Objective: To evaluate the effect of melatonin and coenzyme Q10 on the prevention of inner and outer hair cell dysfunction in the inne ear in Wistar rats exposed to high levels of sound pressure. Methodology: this is an experimental study approved by CEUA under number SEI 23106.001211/2020-39. The sample consisted of 60 animals, divided into 8 groups. Groups 1 and 5 received Coenzyme Q10, groups 2 and 6 received melatonin, groups 3 and 7 received only serum (vehicle for melatonin) and groups 4 and 8 received only oil (vehicle for coenzyme). The medication was applied intraperitoneally for 14 days. After the 4th day of application, the animals in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 began to be exposed to noise. For 10 days, for a period of 8 hours, the animals remained in their own cage inside an acoustic booth, and were exposed to white noise at an intensity of 100 dB. Three auditory evaluations (DPOAE and ABR) were carried out in the animals, to characterize the injury generated by the noise, at times D0 (before starting the intervention), D15 (day after the end of exposure to noise), D30 (15 days after last day of noise exposure). Partial results: After elimination by the exclusion criteria and due to middle ear alterations manifested during the experiment, in addition to other causes of death, 20 animals concluded the research. Changes in DPOAE amplitude and signal/noise ratio were observed, mainly from the first to the second exam. Group 1, coenzyme noise, was the group that presented significant worsening in the D15 exam, but with full recovery of the values in the D30 exam. Group 2, melatonin noise, was the one that presented the lowest worsening of the values, in the comparison between D0 and D15 and improvement in D30. Group 4, noise oil, was the group that showed the greatest loss in the values on D15 and worsened on the D30 exam. In the evaluation of the electrophysiological threshold, no significant alteration was observed throughout the exams.

Externa à Instituição - JULIANA GUSMÃO DE ARAUJO _________________ - HUB
Presidente - 3217424 - ANDRE LUIZ LOPES SAMPAIO
Externa ao Programa - 2937927 - DJANE BRAZ DUARTE
Externa à Instituição - THAMARA SUZI DOS SANTOS - UFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/02/2023 10:25
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