ATERRANDO com AGROECOLOGIA: vida e técnica, do solo ao agroecossitema.
ATERRANDO com AGROECOLOGIA: vida e técnica, do solo ao agroecossitema.
In this dissertation, I anchor myself in anthropological theories to understand an
agroecological know-how from formulators of Agroecology addressing, especially, how
the theme of life emerges in this regime of practices and knowledge. The study is based
on a bibliographical investigation focused on the formulations of Ana Maria Primavesi and
Miguel Altieri, two great agroecologists noted in the Brazilian context. I analyze the forms
of engagement, practices and conceptions proposed by agroecologists, as well as
philosophical systems that may be associated. I focus on the conceptions of "soil" and
"agroecosystem", since these emerge as the radiating center of the vital and technical
processes involved in the agroecological work, present in the formulations of the
agroecologists. Based on these, I discuss the notions of life and related ideas of health and
disease, as well as "natural" world and "nature. Inspired by an "anthropology of life"
articulated to an "anthropology of technical action," I describe an agentive configuration
formed by theories of life, agents, and vital processes. I observe how this configuration
reverberates in the modes of action proposed by agroecologists. Finally, I propose a
plunge into the agroecological doing in act, verifying how those who are inspired by
Agroecology have experienced in their lives, soils and agroecosystems the agroecological
recommendations forming biodiverse crops on their plots of land. I argue that
Agroecology can be understood as a specific way of living together in which practices
synthesize a kind of coordination and attunement with diverse agentive forces.