Banca de DEFESA: Frederico Freitas Nobre

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Frederico Freitas Nobre
DATE: 09/11/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência
REGENERATIVE LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK: Design applied to the development of leaders for promotion of a regenerative culture

Systems Thinking; Regenerative Culture; Regenerative Design; framework

PAGES: 180
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Desenho Industrial
Organizational culture presents itself as a reflection of the values and confidence of workers, which was built over years of social development, and is based on paradigms that have been practically immutable since the industrial revolution. This stagnation has made organizational culture a place of growth for a mechanistic mentality based on direction and linearity. This work proposes the presentation of a framework, in the light of Regenerative Design, for the development of corporate leaders who foster a regenerative organizational culture. The method chosen to conduct the research was Design Science Research, starting with a systematic and narrative review of the literature, to survey the state of the art of the research topic and define reference artifacts. The assumption that underpinned the construction of the study is that with the application of regenerative culture design methods, emotional design and the Theory U approach in the context of leadership development, an efficient framework will be created to guide experience designers and professionals. of corporate education in developing better learning experiences. In our field studies, questionnaires were applied to understand the perception of organizational culture and 5 semi-structured interviews were carried out with managers in public companies at the federal level, with the consequent description of what was trained, with the aim of identifying and selecting themes, elements and approaches methodologies that must be considered and applied when proposing the framework. During the interviews, most participants identified gaps related to the formal process of leadership development and organizational culture, which the participants identified as pluralistic. Finally, an evaluation of the maps was carried out and opportunities for improvement were identified by conducting a focus group made up of leaders participating in the research, whose contributions indicated adjustments and refinements to the final version. The framework proposed in this study, named Regenrative Leadership Framework, has an explanatory character, circular shape and presents a journey of self-awareness about the act of leadership based on regenerative thinking.

Externa à Instituição - JOSEANY RODRIGUES CRUZ - IFB-GO
Presidente - 2344411 - RICARDO RAMOS FRAGELLI
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/10/2023 14:14
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