Banca de DEFESA: Mateus de Freitas Aviani Bellingrodt

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Mateus de Freitas Aviani Bellingrodt
DATE: 28/06/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Departamento de Design

Design and Psychology: A Study on the Creative Processes of Designers


Psychology, Design, Design processes, Creative processes, Creativity

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Desenho Industrial

The following study proposes to evaluate the interdisciplinary nature between psychology and design, focusing on the importance of creativity as one of the essential elements of a designer's activity, as well as the evolutionary and adaptive human psychic factor. For the deepening of this investigation, instruments were used to measure designers' perceptions of their creative process and in which stages or conditions difficulties and limitations are perceived in expressing creativity. For conceptual definitions, Lev Vygotsky's historical-cultural approach was used as the main framework. This study presents arguments that investigate the concept of creativity, crossing various interdisciplinary fields that relate directly and indirectly to this process. Thus, one of the purposes of this study is to understand the broad and complex meaning of the concept of creativity, allowing for the deconstruction of common notions and perceptions that interfere with how individuals evaluate their creative potential. Under these conditions, the value and importance of creativity and design for human technological, scientific, and evolutionary development are demonstrated throughout this work. By affirming that creativity is a universal psychic element, that is, every individual is creative, it is considered that it is a factor present in the human species that emerges from the capacity to alter its context through social, cultural, and environmental interactions that develop through learning, language, and experiences. Thus, various activities have adapted in fields of specific knowledge and procedures, one of them being design. Through this vision, design is understood as a type of creative process that occurs through human action, transforming and altering its environment in an artificial way. The investigative nature of this study aims to understand and analyze the creative aspects of designers through specific instruments for collecting data on their perceptions of individual design creation processes and barriers to personal creativity. In this way, practical solutions can be thought of and discussed that effectively help designers' perceptions of their creative potential, making this process a healthy journey in their professional, academic, or personal development and creation.

Externa à Instituição - BIANCA MARIA RÊGO MARTINS - UERJ
Externo ao Programa - 1114843 - ARI MELO MARIANO - nullInterno - 1317371 - BRENO TENORIO RAMALHO DE ABREU
Interna - 1122775 - DIANNE MAGALHAES VIANA
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/06/2024 15:26
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