Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Gilvan Ferreira Vaz

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gilvan Ferreira Vaz
DATE: 07/02/2023
TIME: 19:00
Assessment of strength, cross-sectional area and gluteal fat infiltration maximum, medium, minimum and tensor fasciae latae in pain syndrome Unilateral trochanteric artery compared to a control group: Study analytical.

tendinopathy; hip injuries; muscle strength; bursitis.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional
Introduction: Trochanteric pain syndrome (TOS) is a complaint common in the adult population, especially females, who in addition to generating pain, it leads to a reduction in quality of life. Characterized mainly for lateral hip pain, it is usually treated by through conservative measures. Most imaging studies focus on changes found in tendons, their insertions and bursae, with little evaluation of the muscular structure itself and its relationship with the strength of the hip periarticular muscles. Objectives: Compare isometric strength, cross-sectional area and infiltrate of fat from the gluteus maximus, medius, minimus and tensor fascia lata in the TOS in relation to the contralateral hip and a group control. Method: Individuals with unilateral TOS will be selected for evaluation by means of bilateral manual hip dynamometry using the Lafayette model 1165 manual dynamometer. control with similar characteristics will be selected for comparison. Quality of life will be assessed using Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) and pain will be obtained by means of the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain. will be carried out study of the pelvis by means of magnetic resonance imaging to assess the cross-sectional area and fat infiltrate of the gluteus maximus muscles, medium, minimus and tensor fasciae latae. Expected results: We believe that there will be a correlation between the presence of reduction strength, decreased cross-sectional area and increased fat infiltration of the abductor muscles in individuals with TOS in comparison with the control group, which may corroborate the definition of therapeutic protocols addressed to this group muscle.

Presidente - 1567105 - JOAO LUIZ QUAGLIOTI DURIGAN
Externa à Instituição - Mauren Alexandra Sampaio - SARAH
Externo à Instituição - Rogerio Santos Silva - SARAH
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/02/2023 10:01
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