Banca de DEFESA: Luana Marsicano Alves

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Luana Marsicano Alves
DATE: 28/09/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala Multiuso 4 + Plataforma TEAMS



COVID-19. Smell. Taste. Swallowing. Stereognosis.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

 In 2019, a highly contagious pandemic virus called SARS-CoV-2 emerged in China. Among the symptoms of tiredness, fever, dry cough and respiratory failure, some have stood out and attracted researchers: anosmia and dysgeusia. This study proposed a broader assessment of the sensory-motor-oral system, enabling a better understanding of these aspects in this population. Based on the findings after assessing these functions, it is believed that it will be possible to establish continuity in the therapeutic process in a more effective, comprehensive, and direct way. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the functions of smell, taste, oral stereognosy and swallowing in patients who have had COVID-19 with those who have not had the disease. This research investigated the possible sequelae in these functions. Methods: Participants recovered from COVID-19 were recruited to the study to make up the Research Group (RG), through a public invitation on social networks. The Control Group (CG) included those who did not have the disease, considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria for both groups. The CG was matched for gender and age to the SG, and they were also invited to take part by public invitation. Specific tests to assess the functions of smell, taste, oral stereognosy and swallowing, standardized in the specific literature, were selected according to feasibility, and applied by two previously trained assessors. Results: 60 individuals aged between 21 and 59 took part in this study, divided into GP, made up of 30 individuals who had COVID-19, and CG, with 30 individuals who did not have COVID-19. Regarding the function of smell, the overall median number of correct answers on the instrument used between the two groups was similar, with the CG achieving the best median. In the function of taste, there was an equivalence in the median absolute frequency of correct answers in the instrument used in the general sample and in the groups. In oral stereognosy, the median absolute frequency of correct answers on the instrument used was also similar in both groups, with the CG again achieving a slightly better median. Regarding the performance of the orofacial myofunctional system, a statistically significant difference could only be observed in the maxillo-mandibular relationship and breathing function variables, with better performance values for the CG. The performance of the swallowing function was the same between the participants. In all the tests/instruments, in general and considering the objectives of the study, the results of the comparison between the groups do not indicate a statistically significant difference. Discussion: The results showed a difference between the GP and CG, with statistical significance only in the variables relating to the aspects of posture/appearance of the maxillo-mandibular relationship and the breathing function, with better performance values for the GP. In the assessments of the functions of smell, taste and oral stereognosy, the variables related to the essences/shapes least affected in each function were coffee, sweet, and square and ellipse, respectively. Conclusion: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of frequencies and percentages of correct answers for smell, taste, oral stereognosis and swallowing, which could be directly related to COVID-19. This finding may indicate that, despite the COVID-19 infection, the individuals in the GP did not have any alterations in the functions studied, or that they had already shown total or partial recovery of these functions.

Externa à Instituição - ALINE MANSUETO MOURÃO - UFMG
Externa ao Programa - 1961021 - ELAINE CRISTINA LEITE PEREIRA - nullPresidente - 2102885 - LAURA DAVISON MANGILLI TONI
Externa ao Programa - 2145975 - MELISSA NARA DE CARVALHO PICINATO PIROLA - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/09/2023 10:18
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