Banca de DEFESA: Carol Lima Barros

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Carol Lima Barros
DATE: 30/10/2023
TIME: 13:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Correlation between sensitivity, muscle strength and quality of life among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus


Diabetes Mellitus; Diabetic Neuropathy; Muscle Strength; Quality of life;

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease with multifactorial causes. The time of evolution of the disease, can lead to chronic complications such as peripheral neuropathy, responsible for chronic peripheral sensory-motor and autonomic changes and muscle strength and biomechanical changes that lead to abnormal plantar pressure, responsible for increased risk of foot ulcers. Abstract: To investigate the association between loss of muscle strength and the impact on quality of life among individuals classified in the groups without sensorimotor loss, with sensorimotor loss and neuropathy. Methods: The individuals were characterized into 3 groups defined by SemmesWeinstem SORRI-Bauru® monofilaments and clinical neuropathy screening questionnaires MNSI and NDS. Isometric dorsiflexor muscle strength was assessed using a Hoggan microFET2® portable dynamometer and quality of life using the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire, and was analyzed using multinomial logistic regression. Results: The study showed a prevalence of females (52.2%), time since diagnosis 16.1 ± 7.6 years, selfdeclared white (38.8%), lower family income (64.2%) and lower schooling (50.7%), mostly retired (59.7%), Hb1Ac >7% (78.2%), overweight (43.2% BMI > 25 Kg/m2), mostly hypertensive (78.1%). The MNSI instrument showed a higher prevalence of neuropathy detection at 77.6%, compared to the NDS questionnaire at 46%. Female gender was associated with a lower chance of developing diabetic neuropathy when comparing the groups with mild and moderate neuropathy (OR: 0.15 and OR: 0.11). Increased dorsiflexor muscle strength was associated with a lower chance of being classified as having moderate neuropathy (OR: 0.612). The average utility of quality of life was 0.66, with the neuropathy group showing the lowest utility among the groups, especially females neuropaths (0.442). "Mobility" and "Pain and Discomfort" were the domains with the greatest problems reported by the individuals (22.4%). Female participants with neuropathy had lower utility than male participants (0.598 vs 0.739). Conclusions: Females were less likely to be classified as having loss of sensitivity. Increased dorsiflexion muscle strength was associated with a lower chance of having neuropathy. In the group with neuropathy, particularly women, showed greater impairment of quality of life and lower utility values, compared to participants in the group without loss of sensitivity or the group with loss of sensitivity.

Presidente - 1724901 - RODRIGO LUIZ CARREGARO
Externa ao Programa - 2329402 - ANGELICA AMORIM AMATO - UnBExterna ao Programa - 3808478 - FERNANDA PASINATO - UnBExterno à Instituição - SILVIO ASSIS DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR - UFMS
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/09/2023 09:13
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