Banca de DEFESA: Maria Stella Martins Silva D'Agostini

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Maria Stella Martins Silva D'Agostini
DATE: 07/05/2024
TIME: 14:00

Germinal Marxisms


Latin American Marxism; political theory of Latin America; periphery of capitalism; historical materialism; dialethic

PAGES: 155
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política
Revisiting several authors who developed their analyses of Latin America throughout the twentieth century, this work searches in their respective theoretical propositions the categorization of Latin American Marxisms as from the periphery or on the periphery of capitalism. Thus, from a critical analysis concentrate on the aspects of dialectical logic and the historical materialist method, the objective is to define the frontiers between what Latin America has produced about itself from the instrumentalization of a method or their application of an analytical model. Therefore, at the end of this research it will be possible to understand the weight of this course of analysis choice both for what is understood as a historical process – and revolutionary, also – for the deeply varied Latin American Marxist interpretations. Furthermore, the purpose includes fostering the debate about the focal particular elements that delimit the two categories and how they are pertinent to the perspective of the analytical protagonism of the periphery of capitalism as the formulator of its own theoretical and revolutionary proposals.

Externa à Instituição - ANGÉLICA LOVATTO - UNESP
Externo à Instituição - JUAREZ ROCHA GUIMARÃES - UFMG
Interno - 2211649 - LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL
Externo ao Programa - 1804106 - STEFAN FORNOS KLEIN - nullInterno - 2255715 - THIAGO APARECIDO TRINDADE
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/05/2024 14:36
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