Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Leandro Alves Carneiro

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Leandro Alves Carneiro
DATE: 16/09/2022
TIME: 14:30

Unveiling the interaction between regulatory agencies and the society: Anatel and Anvisa notice-and-comment processes


regulatory agencies, rulemaking, democratic deficit, notice-and-comment, natural language processing

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política

Regulatory agencies are a type of institutional arrangement with autonomy and broad decision-making capabilities. The separation from elected governments induced by greater independence generated criticism from some authors, who pointed to a democratic deficit in the operation of these bodies. On the other hand, the existence of participation mechanisms is pointed out as an alternative to provide adequate checks and balances, especially in the rulemaking process. The present work aims, from the study of notice-and-comment processes carried out by Anatel and Anvisa, to better understand the rulemaking process. For this, the contributions received by regulatory agencies and their respective responses are used as databases ("text as data") , seeking to understand the reasons for an agency to change drafts of regulatory texts. As a research strategy, the study uses internet data scraping techniques and artificial intelligence tools, especially natural language processing (NLP) to obtain evidence.

Interno - 1316309 - ANDRE BORGES DE CARVALHO
Externo ao Programa - 1196877 - BERNARDO PINHEIRO MACHADO MUELLER
Presidente - 1708548 - DENILSON BANDEIRA COELHO
Interno - 1164666 - PAULO CARLOS DO PIN CALMON
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/09/2022 10:46
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