Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Germano Araujo Coelho

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Germano Araujo Coelho
DATE: 20/12/2022
TIME: 14:30

Crisis of democracy: neoliberalism and capitalism on the periphery of the world


Democratic theory. Democratic crisis. Capitalism. Capitalist state. State structural selectivities. Capitalist periphery.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política

The theoretical question that guides the research project is how neoliberalism intensified, transformed or maintained material and ideational conditions for reproducing the process of capitalist accumulation and how these conditions impact on the current phenomena of democratic crisis, with emphasis on the capitalist periphery. Two general arguments are proposed, based on the theoretical analysis of the three-stage relationship between capitalism and democracy (genesis of capitalism, the thirty glorious years and contemporary capitalism): neoliberalism 1) influences the substantive content of social struggles, altering the dynamics of democratic legitimacy in such a way that the dimension of voting in democracy tends to assume a veto aspect to egalitarian tendencies; and 2) the dimension of the veto ceases to act, even when general interests of accumulation are at stake, due to the loss of relative autonomy of the State in the face of the interests of capital. Based on these general arguments, a specific argument is proposed for the case of the capitalist periphery, that the social hierarchies that constitute the reproduction process of dependent, unequal and combined capitalism are re-signified by neoliberalism, so that the crises of legitimacy and accumulation materialize as a way of maintaining or intensifying these hierarchies. Methodologically, the project proposes a theoretical research that will be based on the analysis of critical literature on the relationship between capitalism, neoliberalism and democracy, taking as analytical parameters the internal logical integrity of the analyzed theories and concepts, as well as the social and historical contexts in which texts were produced. It is also intended to use as an auxiliary research method the confrontation of theoretical arguments with empirical data presented by the analyzed works.

Externo ao Programa - 2478508 - DANIEL BIN
Interna - 1807444 - DANUSA MARQUES
Presidente - 2255715 - THIAGO APARECIDO TRINDADE
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/11/2022 17:52
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