Banca de DEFESA: Cleyton Feitosa Pereira

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Cleyton Feitosa Pereira
DATE: 13/12/2022
TIME: 09:00

THE LGBTI+ MOVEMENT AND POLITICAL PARTIES: The partisan institutionalization of sexual and gender diversity in Brazil


Social movements. Political parties. LGBTI+ movement. Political participation. Institutionalization.

PAGES: 420
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política

This work is dedicated to the analysis of how the Movement of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Intersex, and other non-heterosexual and non-cisgender (LGBTI+) identities have been institutionalized in Brazilian political parties. We carried out a theoretical debate arranged towards the concept of institutionalization in the literature about social movements and political parties in order to understand this complex empirical phenomenon. After all, even before the country's re-democratization, LGBTI+ activists militate in political parties and transform these organizations establishing their values, goals, and interests. Through semi-structured interviews with party activists and documentary analysis in official documents, such as statutes, party programs, and government plans, among others, we executed a comparative study about the launch of sexual and gender diversity activism in the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), in the Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL) and the Partido Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB), analyzing the process, factors, effectiveness, and barriers of its institutionalization. We focused on the statutes and the sectorial organization of the theme in each of the three cases concerning to understand the differences and similarities between them. Despite the differences and historical antagonism, PT and PSDB are the ones that share more similarities. Its secretariats are born as party nuclei in the city of São Paulo, despite the different periods of each one's emergence - PT in 1992 and PSDB only in 2006 - and its militants have been nationalizing the group, taking advantage of the power of São Paulo's LGBTI+ Pride Parade as a tourist attraction to foster a national political organization. The main difference lies in the fact that the PT has a much more imbricated relationship with unions and movements than the PSDB, which has a less social base. In the PT case, it is impossible to separate a partisan actor from a social movement activist (and in some cases, also a trade union actor), unlike the Tucana Diversity, which is more clearly composed of partisan actors that eventually relate to social movements. The PSOL was the most dissimilar case because of its low degree of institutionalization of the national sector. The party has some sectors organized at the state level, mainly in central Brazilian states, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and the Federal District, but it has not consolidated its LGBTI+ national sector, with meetings, agendas, priorities, and strategies. On the other hand, PT and PSDB inaugurated their statutes without mentioning the struggle for sexual and gender diversity, instituting this issue only after a previous political organization of activists within them. Unlike the PSOL, which was born already affirming this flag since its foundation. The analysis of the zones of uncertainty shows that engaged actors still have little access to and control of vital areas for the functioning of parties, such as communications, decisions, funding, and recruitment. This shows that a part of Brazilian parties is sensitive to the theme, but with limits. The limits seem to come up against precisely in the process of sharing the power and the resources. After managing to introduce the theme and make the parties distribute collective identity incentives, the next challenge is to access and control the resources of organizational power. Finally, after the empirical results, we propose a concept of institutionalization for the study of the interaction between social movements and political parties.

Externo à Instituição - JAMES NAYLOR GREEN - UB
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/12/2022 08:45
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