Banca de DEFESA: Maria Stela Reis

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Maria Stela Reis
DATE: 01/03/2023
TIME: 09:00

Intersectoral mobility strategies: the Public Policies and Governmental Managerial Specialists (PPGMS) in the Federal Public Administration of Brazil (2000-2018)


Federal government careers. Intersectoral mobility. Professional trajectories thru the federal government.

PAGES: 252
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política

With the aim of verifying whether the intersectoral mobility of members of the Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management career led these professionals to act as agents of change through public policies in the Brazilian federal government, this thesis presents a mapping of the individual trajectories between bodies and between positions in commission, the so-called managers in the historical period that includes six presidential terms (2000 to 2018), identifying similarities between them, which can be understood as patterns, grouped in clusters. It was found that approximately 50% of the trajectories are characterized by high mobility. Under the lens of the theory of fields of strategic action by Fligstein & McAdam (2012), the approach to careers elaborated by Schneider (1994) and Bourdieu's concepts of campus and capital in the works of Savage (2005) and Rosssier (2020 ), the movement mechanisms, accumulated capital and calculations for the construction of trajectories in their various contexts and contingencies were analyzed. Within a broader view, it can be said that the equity of this generalist profile is associated with the political technical profile, because at the same time that this professional has the technical capacity and knowledge of some sectoral languages to solve problems, at the same time he manages to make a political reading of the projects and problems in a pragmatic way. Mobility is useful for these strategies of technical-political “being”. It is a useful instrument for public administration, which gives new managers the possibility of forming teams with qualified and experienced professionals, as well as a useful instrument for managers to manage their professional course and, yes, contribute to changes resulting from the public policies which participate. Managers who have a trajectory with a greater number of movements end up revealing a more pronounced political profile, accumulating more capital and being able to act as strategic actors in their fields of action. Contrary to the bureaucratic tradition that values the specialty as a great ability of the administration, as well as sectorial knowledge in the field of public policies, the contribution of the EPPGG is precisely in its intersectoral mobility.

Externo à Instituição - MIGUEL LOUREIRO
Presidente - 2521737 - REBECCA NEAERA ABERS
Interna - 281.097.081-53 - SUELY MARA VAZ GUIMARÃES DE ARAÚJO - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/02/2023 15:21
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